Fate (LT/HS)

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A/N: Okay this is just a one shot I had to write for an assignment and I liked it so much I decided to put it here. :D Its simple, its short, its whatever and no, I'm not giving up on my main story Discovery. if you haven't read it, please go read it! :D its Larry/Ziam/Nosh and mpreg and some magic mixed up in it and tons of drama.. yeah. anyway, hope you enjoy this short one shot and please go read Discovery! xx


I headed into the bathroom, my head down. I was exhausted, having been working night and day to stay in the X Factor. After finishing my business, I moved to the sink, washing my hands and fixing my curls under my beanie.

I turned around and ran smack into the chest of a slightly taller boy behind me. "Oops!" I gasped and he chuckled. "Hi," he answered, steadying me as I almost fell over. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you! I'm such a klutz, I'm so sorry," I gushed, my face turning bright red.

The boy just laughed, shrugging. "Its alright, mate. I'm Louis, what's your name?" he asked, holding out a hand, smiling. His blue eyes caught my own pair, putting me into a daze. "Oh! I'm Harry, nice to meet you," I said quickly, taking his hand.

"You're a solo artist, right?" Louis asked, moving to use the urinals on the opposite side of the wall. "Um, yeah, but I don't think Simon is going to keep me, I'm not doing too well and there's many other people considerably better than myself," I answered, turning to the mirrors and shuffling my feet awkwardly. I fixed my grey overcoat and green beanie as Louis moved next to me to use the sink. "Why do you think that? I've heard you sing before, you're really good. If anything, I need to worry," he said, drying his hands and leaning against the wall.

I frowned. "Obviously you're not bad, if you were you wouldn't have made it this far. And honestly, you have a very good voice, very captivating, it makes people want to listen to you," I said, blushing. I couldn't believe I'd just said that out loud.

Louis just shrugged. "Well, it is what it is. I either make it or not, but at least I'm having fun. My mates Liam and Zayn are pretty fun, nice lads. You make any friends yet?" he asked and I gave a half nod, half shrug.

"Just Niall Horan and Aiden Grimshaw, (Did I spell that right? don't think I did xD) I don't talk to the contestants often, you so far are the only exception," I said grinning.

He gave a mock gasp. "Really? Oh, Harry, that makes me feel so special!" he said playfully, moving forward and pressing his palms to my cheeks.

I started laughing. "You have dimples! Green eyes, dimples, curls, you, Mister, are adorable," he said, poking one of my dimples making me blush. I batted his hand away, making a face at him.

"Louis! Stop!" I giggled - a very manly one too, I must point out - and stepped away. It was so easy to be around this boy, and I didn't know his last name or his age, but it's apparently not that important.

"Awe! C'mon Harry!" he pouted, following my step away and taking my beanie, setting it onto his own brown fringe. "Louis! Give me my beanie back, my hair looks awful!" I protested, still giggling slightly. He looked good with my beanie on, so I didn't really want it back, not just yet.

He made a thoughtful look and grinned. "Nah, I think I'm going to keep this forever now. You're gonna have to stick with me, Curly, if you want it back," he said, sprinting out the door. I giggled again and followed close behind.

The next hour was practically a game of cat and mouse as I tried to get me beanie back. Louis was just too fast! Also, he knew the place better than me, so he could hide easier and then suddenly pop out of no where, scaring the living daylights out of me.

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