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3rd person POV
Carmen has been a loner hunter  for a year since her brother passed away. Carmen and her brother Diego were the twin duo until one day they were both hunting when a vampire had turned Diego. Carmen had been hunting the vampire that turned Diego until one day she had ran into two men that were looking for a vampire nest that Carmen had been looking for. The two men had asked her if she knew anything about the nest and she said yes and told them how she knows the nest of vampires. The two men told her who they were.  The Winchesters told the girl that this hunt was there hunt but Carmen was never the one to listen to anyone. Carmen had waited till the Winchesters were out of sight and she had went and found the nest of vampires she had spotted a familiar face next thing she knows she was knocked out from behind.

Me and Sam have been trying to find a nest of vampires for a year. These vampires have been killing people from left to right. Me and Sam had went to the bar and we ran into a girl that looked almost close to the age of 18 I accidentally knocked her on the ground. I apologized to her. I put my hand out to help her up but she stood up by herself and slapped me in my face now that really pissed me off because I had a good day for the first time in a while.

"I was trying to help you up and then you slap me that's a bitch move!" I said to the chick

" Well maybe you should watch where you're going. And im carmen mother fuckin Lopez all of my family are bitches." She told me. Me and Sam had remembered the last name Lopez.

" I'm sorry about my brother. I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother dean." Sam told the chick with a smile.

"That's cool I guess and it's okay. My name is carmen Lopez." The girl I now know as Carmen said with a poker face. Until I remembered the last name Lopez.

" Wait are you Daniel Lopez's daughter?" I asked

"Um yea how do you know my father? Are you cop's? I swear my dad didn't do anything wrong he didn't kill innocent people." She said in a nervous tone.

" No we aren't cop's we are hunters." Sam told Carmen

"Oh okay then sorry cops have been after my dad for a long time-." Carmen said but then she paused

" Well not for a long time anymore he died when I was 15 because of a wendigo..."

I was surprised that Daniel Lopez had died he was an amazing hunter.

" Oh I'm sorry for your loss." Sam told Carmen

" It's okay he was never there anyways. He was always on hunts  and never there for me or my brother." Carmen told us.

Carmen asked us why we w
here here so we told her about the vampire nest that we where hunting. She had told us that it was the same vampire nest that turned her brother Diego.

"Well this is our hunt so you better stay away from this hunt kid." I told her and then me and Sam left.

Carmen's POV

As the Winchesters left the bar I had went to find the nest of vampires. After 3 hours I had finally found the nest I had to walk there literally walk it was just out of town in a creepy old cabin it was a 20 minute walk. I should probably try to get money to buy a car or a motorcycle hm i don't know which one sounds better. Anyways as I found the cabin I started walking a few steps and then I got knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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