Forager's mishaps

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HEYYYY yall obligatory "sorry its been 6 months since I posted" I had this plot idea in august- life's been busy and focus is a struggle of mine, but I very much appreciate all the support I've gotten on my other works, your guy's comments are so nice, and I hope you enjoy, uh, this.

(also AU where keqing started this job more recently and is more of a prick <3) 

The sun rose above a peaceful Liyue Harbor, mountains casting long shadows out onto the golden sea. Leaves rustled gently in the summer breeze, which carried birdsong throughout the cobbled streets, where vendors were beginning to set up for another busy day. The pleasing melody floated all the way up to Yuehai Pavilion, where a meeting on this months affairs was about to begin.

Keqing's heels clacked against the wooden floor as she marched over to her seat, placing a bundle of scrolls and papers down in front of her. "Good morning all"

Ganyus face split into a warm smile "Good morning Keqing. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Keqing didn't look up from her piles of parchment, fervently sorting them into neat piles and scribbling down notes in the corners.

Slowly, more people arrived, until only the head seat remained empty. The clock ticked at an agonizingly slow speed, its repetitive sound filling the meeting room.

Keqing grit her teeth, finger impatiently taping away. When will Lady Ningguang get here? I have a dozen appointments to get to, I can't waste time sitting around, I have to-

The broad, double doors opened mid thought, and Ningguang's elegant form slipped into view. She seemed to glide across the floor rather than walk, her crisp footsteps barely audible. She sat down, hands clasped in her lap. "I hope everyones morning is going well. Now, let's get on with it."

Keqing exhaled softly in relief. A few monthly goals and assignments and she'd be off.

"First and foremost, the International meeting with Sumeru's Akademiya and Liyue over chasm operations is being held at the Akademiya in 5 days. Uncle Tian was originally going to be representing us, but as many of you know, he is retiring and is currently busy supervising the selection of his replacement. I would go myself, but I have more pressing matters to attend to. In Tian's place, I have decided that Lady Keqing will be representing us."

Ninguang turned to face Keqing directly, who was smiling professionally on the outside, as is expected when such an honorable task has been given to someone, but internally she was screaming over how utterly fucked her schedule would be.

"Keqing, I know this falls out of your ordinary line of work, but you possess the confidence, formality and argumentative prowess required for this meeting. I'm sure you will be our best representative for this."

"Thank you very much, Lady Ningguang." Keqing bowed her head respectfully. "I appreciate the opportunity, but this month my schedule is very packed, and-"

"Ah, yes." Ningguang's tight smile gave away her amusement as she took a small sip from her gilded tea cup. "Don't fret, I have rescheduled all of your appointments to later dates, as well as other, capable members of the Qixing."

Keqing opened her mouth to argue, but quickly closed it, realizing that there was no getting out of this one. "Thank you Lady Ningguang, I will do my best."

Ningguang nodded "I know you will. I have also assigned Ganyu-"

Ganyu perked up, unaware she would be brought to attention. She rapidly blinked the sleep from her eyes

Pretend you don't want me, I still know - A Ganqing ficWhere stories live. Discover now