Girl meets real life

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"You know how u said people change people Lucas well " with that I kissed him , I feel bad because Peyton is with Sabrina and I could see that she was getting mad so I let go " CUT" Michel called . "Great job guys " after we headed back to our dressing room Sabrina came with me "so .... You want to hang out tomorrow ..." I asked "...sure .. Ohh but can Peyton come too " with that I wish it was only us two because 1) she's always with Peyton barley talks to me anymore😪2) I like Peyton . I shook my head as yes . It was already 12:00 and I was still at the studio the only there was Peyton , so I asked if he could take me home he obulsly said yes ,CAR RIDE
Peyton : we're are we going tomorrow
Rowan: six flags
Peyton : well here's ur stop BYe 👋
Today was amazing Rowan kiss me well she kissed Lucas I know I'm with Sabrina but I've loved ROW ever since day one .
So we got to six flags and the first thing I see is a scared Rowan so I scream " IS ROWAN SCARED" after I feel somebody slightly hit me ,then we get on rollercoster that goes up down upside down Sabrina forced row to go and I was forced to go in the middle by sabby so we were going down then upside down the I heard a scream and somebody digging there for safeness which was obusliey Rowan she told she couldn't look so once it was done I told her she was crying then down her eye her make up was coming off then I saw a beatiful girl named Rowan .

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