Where I am Today

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I woke up underground, I have been sleeping for 100 years. I get out of the damn hole, and go feed on a little campground near by. Sadly there wasonly 5 people there. I am still starving. But I can do, for now.

I head to my home town "Mystic Falls"

It was night time, and I was passing a football feild when I saw my one and only sister, Rebecca.

I know she saw me, because she started to walk torwards me.

"Rebecca!" I say
What the hell are you doing here, Rebecca says
"You have not seen me for 100 years: and your no at all surprised on how I am here,. I have not drankin blood for 100 years, and now I am up and moving. Like I have been alive and moving for the past 100 years." I say
Fine, How did you find me. She says.
"Do you remeber, over 1/2 a century ago?" I ask
Yes. She says
"The night mother came back to life, and tried to kill us. I put a curse on her. DONT EVEN ASK ME HOW! Okay, well the spell was to make it so no matter what, I would wak up: if I was not all read up. It would tell me that she is back." I say alittle out of breath
Okay, well we need to tell our brothers. She says
No thanks, Last time I saw them they were burring me (100 years ago.) I said
Ne'Co- She was starting to say but I cut her off.
"I go by Niole, I have been called that for awhile. If you guys would have just talked to me. 100 years ago, all I wanted was to talk. Then I was going to leave." I said angrly
I have no idea. She said
Yeah well maybe if you would have lissened to me, and not burried me alive.' I said.

Right after I said that, I left.

Read to find out more and read to find out where Niole went.
Sorry it was short. Iwill try to update daily: but if not atleast 1-2 a week.
Give me ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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