The Truth

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THE breeze fluttered through the curtains. A leaf slipped past them and floated to the person laying in bed. As the leaf landed on the person's nose, they started to twitch. With a small groan, they turned over, away from the window, dragging their blanket over their toga clad body. Sitting in the window seal was what appeared to be a small dragon-like creature. It flew over to the person in bed, only losing air once. Landing rather roughly on the bed, the creature flipped over. Slightly dizzy, the creature shook its head and stumbled over to cuddle the person. A low chuckle escaped the being hidden in the shadows. With the elegance of royalty, it walked up to the unsuspecting person.

"Your wish shall be granted," the shadow whispered, "someone strong enough shall take your place. Let us see who will answer my call." With a kiss to the person's forehead, the being vanished.
THE cries of the birds and insects sounded through the air. took flight, sailing the wind, passing over the newly awakened plants. An arrow struck the dove, killing it in an instance. The sounds of hooves and cheers rang throughout the forest. Out of the thickets appeared a group of young masters on the backs of different powerful stallions and mares.

"What a perfect shot!"

"Young Master MaxWell killed a Jade Goose!"

"That's our young master."

I never did understand how he could surround himself with people like this. All these people saying these sweet words, to only stab you in the back when the time is right. I should probably introduce myself, my name is Alyxander Kroft. Over a month ago, I awoke in the world of the book, "The Time Keeper". The book is about a beautiful young lady who is teleported to the past to help protect a kingdom known GyoViir. She takes on all sorts of villainous beings, one of them being the body of which I now occupy, MaxWell Cruz Audenzia. MaxWell's one of the larger villains in the story. He tried to get with the maidan. When she turned him down, he kidnapped her and tortured her, trying to convince her that she loved him. In the end, the love interest, Crown Prince Leo Ryan Montgomery, saved her, killing MaxWell with his own sword. I'm just thankful that the plot of the story doesn't start for another 3 months. By the time that happens, I can just hide from people and continue living my life.

"Young Master," my head butler, Sebastian, called out, "What should we do with the birds and deer you have shot?"

"Tonight, we shalt feast on the spoils of our hunt."

The others began to cheer and get ready to leave. As they walked off, I started to dismount my steed, Syn. Taking a few steps away, she turned to me and nudged me with the head. With a small giggle, I started to pat her head. Out of the corner of my eye something started to glow.
AS he began to approach it, taking what appeared to be a digger in hand, Sebastian called out to him. With a sigh, he once again mounted Syn. He made a clicking sound with his tongue, causing Syn to speed up into a slow canter. The sunlight had caused his skin to take a slight rosy tint. Looking out around him, he realized just how different their worlds were. In his world, it was common to drive cars, to talk on phones, or to use your holographs to look up information. Yet, in this world, they didn't have phones, cars, or holographs, they had horse drawn carriages, wore clothes that would have been considered scandalous in his time, and often held banquets, hosted by different noble families to introduce their children as Master's or Madam's of their bloodlines. I hated going to that stupid party, Maxwell thought, finally catching up to the others, everyone already hates me. Why should I care what they think about me now?

"Young master," Sebastian called out, turning to face Max and Syn, "if we head back now, we can make it in time to have dinner with your family." He let out a low chuckle at Max's grimace.

Max nodded and told everyone to prepare to head home. Turning to his "friends", he told them to enjoy the rest of their day but that this is where they part. They were not fond of the idea, trying to convince Max to stay, begging him to hang out with them and mess with people. He just shook his head and got ready to head home. Dismounting Syn, he pet her mane, watching as the other servants escorted the other young masters away. Syn let out a snort when one of the young masters tried to fight back and get back to Max. As the young master neared him, he froze in fear, looking like a mouse dropped in the lion's nest. He let the other servants escort him away, fearing if he stayed, his family bloodline would end.

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