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Hello everyone! Just a quick note before the story: the prologue takes place a few hundred years before the actual story.

Also, if you haven't already, check out my other story, Playing For Two Teams!!:) It's a werewolf story:)

Alright, I hope you like it and Chapter 1 will be up soon:)

xx lemonlyme



"You wanted to see me, father?" Eleanor steps forward and sits down across from him at his office desk. She fears the worst, but holds on to the sliver of hope that remains for good news.

"Yes, I did..." he trails off, back into his own personal world of thoughts and dreams. The world of which no one had even the slightest idea of since her mother died. She cleared her throat, hoping to remind him that she was still here.

"How old are you, Eleanor?" he looks at her suddenly.

She frowns, confused at what this had to do with their situation, and why he didn't know that already, "I turned sixteen today, but I really don't understand-" He cuts her off, gesturing for her silence.

"I want you to listen to me carefully. This is very important." She nods intently, and he continues. "I have never told you about my family, mostly because I am ashamed of our history. But now you need to know. My father was a scientist, and he was a very, very intelligent man. But he was blinded by ambition and his desperate need for..." he struggles for the right words, "something new. He was tired of humans, of himself, of everything. He wanted to create new intelligent species, he thought he could control them... well he wanted to. By the time he had everything ready, he was already deranged, and my three siblings and I became his test subjects. On my oldest brother's sixteenth birthday was the first time my father actually tested one of his experiments on us. My brother almost died but in the end he came out with heightened senses, the lightest tread imaginable, and the ability to fly without wings. He was my father's greatest success so far, and my father called him a sky elf." There is a tense silence, before Eleanor speaks out.

"I have grown too old for your fairytales, father. Why are these lies necessary? I-I'm leaving now." She stands up, but with one commanding glance from her father, sits back down.

"Let me finish," he growls. "My brother had all the attention by now, but attention like that never comes without jealousy. With my older sister's sixteenth birthday now only a week away, she begged my father to turn her into something great. He agreed, and on her birthday, she became his new and improved experiment. She now had everything my brother did. Except that, she couldn't fly; she could breathe and live under water instead. And later on we discovered she could also read minds. My older sister was a sea elf. And now she was the favourite child, but even still, by our sixteenth birthday my twin sister and I decided we just wanted to be normal. My father, though, he had other ideas. You see, he had reserved something very... special for the two of us. This time, we would not turn out like the others. He wanted to mix our genes with those of animals... literally bringing to life vampires and werewolves."

"What is this, father?"

"You are going to be the first werewolf who was born into our kind." He smiles reassuringly, but Eleanor is not reassured at all. She pinches herself discreetly under the table, hoping to be in a dream, but apparently no such luck. So she stays silent. How is she supposed to react to the knowledge that she is a mythical creature?

When Eleanor does not respond, her father continues speaking. "But the point is we all wanted to protect our youngest sibling, Anna. We killed my father before he could run any tests on her. But war broke out between us and we haven't spoken since. I don't want our grudges to be passed on through the generations. You and your cousin Liam will be the last to turn. Promise me that you will make amends with your cousins. But most of all make sure that no human finds out about us."

Eleanor nods, swallowing back her emotion.

"But what about you father? Where will you be? And why can't you fix things with your family? They're your brother and sisters!" Eleanor feels the rage building inside of her. She stands up abruptly, knocking the chair backwards in the process.

"My twin- your Aunt Helena- and I killed our older brother and sister long before you were born." He does not look her in the eye, but his face is void of emotion. Eleanor's heart nearly stops; doesn't he feel any guilt? Remorse, even? "They wanted to expose us all to the humans."

"So you killed them?!" Eleanor had always been soft-spoken and this feeling of pure anger was new. How did he expect her to fix things with her cousins now?!

"That isn't the point. I need to go now. I love you my darling, but I fear that we shall never see each other again." The fury only builds as she hears the door click shut behind her father.

Suddenly, she can't take it anymore. Her father was her only family and he has left her alone! The rage inside of her intensifies so much that it makes her body ache. Eleanor feels a pressure build inside of her until finally her clothes rip, her bones crack, and her body starts to morph. She lets out an agonized cry which turns slowly into a howl.

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