The Election

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Presidential Secrets
     Bright lights illuminated their faces, its imposing heat glaring down on them. As the cameras rolled, Joe steadied his breath for the debate yet to come. Looking back into his past, Joe blissfully reminsces on his campaign- from the long tireless hours that toiled away to holding dazzling speeches and campaigns to build his support. However, all the effort accumulated to this pinnacle moment, the presidential debates. As he steaded his gaze on his opponent, his mind clung onto one secret, one he swiftly tried shaking away as the debate began.
     "As you know, I'll continue to make America great. The biggest economy, the biggest everything," Trump splurted out in his nasally tone, the spit, illuminated by the glow of the lights, flinging out of his orange-stained lips. "Joe Biden here is incompetent, I really believe that yes I do."
     Joe eyes steeled as he glared in contempt at his oppenent, Donald's wipsy blond hairs standing high and proud above his head. His blatant, outrageous disrespect set something off in Joe, a new feeling he was unacquainted with.
     Joe focused his attention once more and began his speech, one with emphasis on his economic plan.
     "T-The economy is something I place great emphasis on by-"
     "LIARRR" Trump yells out, cutting  Joe off.
     "Settle down." the debate monitor yelled out in an authorative tone, slamming his gavel until the commotion died down.
     The debates continued as Joe Biden and Donald Trump hurled wretched insults and retorts at each other like rabid dogs forced to fight in a ring. Pent-up anger quickly accumulated in each of them until the gavel slammed down once more.
     "We'll be ending the debate here, thank you everyone for your patience and attendance" the monitor sighed out as he slowly rose from his seat before shuffling out along with the rest in the audience. Joe turned from his podium, walking briskly to his attendents as emotions clouded his face. He felt on the edge of cracking, one hit and his secret that he could no longer hide would come gushing out.
    "Is everything all right Mr. Biden?" the attendent questioned as he tactfully led him towards the car.
     Joe wanted to yell out but instead gave a non-commital answer. "Yes... just a lot on my mind..." Joe trailed off as the attendent looked in the rearview mirror, taking notice of the distant look that glazed his eyes. His white hair and wrinkles showed his age more than ever. They drove off towards his office, the car humming its mechanical noise, as Joe looked out the window,  towards the crowds and people, the same one that may one day be calling him "Mr. President." Soon they arrived at his office as Joe got out of his car, opening his door and heading in. He was immediately hounded on all sides by his staff and secretary, all pressing questions at him.
     "Sir, the debates today-"
     "Do I have your approval to-"
      "Should I make this for-"
     Their words jumbled together into an incohesive cluster of words and sounds.
      "OK ENOUGH-" Joe yells out before quickly stopping himself. He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Ask me all this t-tommorrow, today I need to rest."
     He sighs to himself as he weaved away from his staff. Briskly walking over to his office, he pushed open his ornate mahoghany doors and was suddenly greeted by a sight he hadn't expected.
     "YOU-" Joe yells as he was suddenly cut off.
      "Hello again Joe" Donald said, sitting in Joe's armchair. The sunlight casted through the curtains, enveloping his skin with a glowing orange sheen.
    Filled with an unbridled rage, Joe yelled "Y-YOU showed up here now?! Of all days, especially after DISRESPECTING ME on that debate stage?" Joe got closer and right into Trump's face as his anger continued to explode, his hot breath blowing onto Donald's face. "After WEEKS of me contacting you and being ignored, seeing you on stage just-"
     Joe was suddenly caught off-guard as Donald grabbed his face and forcefully mashed their lips together as Donald passionately began making out with him. At first Joe was unresponsive and in shock, but slowly, he parted his lips as their tongues became engaged in a fiery and passionate dance, each craving each other as if they were each others life support. It had been weeks, their secret grating on Joe's mind until it was almost unbearable. But now, he was finally able to release it. Joe pushed them apart as they longingly gazed into each others eyes, cheeks flushed and breath panting as they both had bad lungs from catching covid in the past. Orange streaks ran across Joe's face from Donald's fake tan.
     "Donald I-" Joe began once again but was quickly shushed with a finger to his lips.
     "Just enjoy the moment" Donald whispered out in his raspy voice. Joe shivered in delight as they once again parted into a kiss, this time more gentle, each desperately savoring the moment as long as they could. Joe grabbbed onto Donald's golden lockes from behind, the coarse texture of the wig dragging across his wrinkled fingers. They continued on for a while longer, the setting sun basking them in a warmth. Finally they let each other go, still holding onto each others hand, both of them not saying a word.
     Joe finally broke the silence. "Look I can't continue on like this Donald, meeting in secret while pretending to despise each other in public." Joe's voice broke as he pulled his hand away before sitting in his office chair with an exasperated sigh. "I think we should stop, I can't hold this secret much longer. The constant on and off, never knowing what happens next is just too much for me."
      Trump walked over before crouching down and looking into Joe's eyes once more. He took Joe's hand in his once more and finally responded after a brief silence. "I'm sorry for making you ever feel this way. We don't have to keep this secret any longer, I really believe that. Let's make America great again, this time together. We need to build wall, not around America but surrounding our hearts as we continue this fight together. No matter who wins this presidency, just know I'll always be by your side.."
     "O-Okay... let's make this work... for us" Joe said faintly. He pulled Trump into a tight embrace, gripping tightly to the back of his suit. "Do you promise?" Joe asked hesistantly.
     "I promise." As they said this, the blooming colors from the window surrounded them. They both turned to look at the sunset, the warm hues of red and orange filling Joe with hope of their promised future.
     After the voting had ended and a tight race, Joe Biden was declared to be the next president of the United States. He opened the windows as he waved at all his supporters who had come to seem him. Sitting next to him, hand in hand, was Donald Trump, who smiled warmly at the joy on Joe's face.
     "It seems we are equal now, both presidents" Donald said as he pulled Joe in for a quick peck on the cheek.
     Life continued on for both Joe and Donald, with drastic ups and downs, but what held them together in the end through all their troubles, was their love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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