She arrives at the manor Chapter 1

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A sowrdwomen Her name is Marcy,
a 21-year-old girl from France
She likes: the duel , poems
Dislikes: loud voice,angry people
Her diary:??????
This was the information of the new girl who had arrived at the manor
She arrived at the palace after the accident that caused her to come to this cursed manor. All people disappear after entering, but she didn't care.
The door was closed after her arrival. The palace was deserted and full of many rooms. She could hear strange voices and shadows of people and things moving.
She begins to explore the mansion, but she would rather stay here than outside, and would be in an even uglier place if she were outside
There was a room, a dining table, and many other rooms in which people's names were written
She open Another room , and there was a larger dining table, and many people formed into groups, their appearance was strange, however, their appearance was as strange as hers, there was no difference.
There was a man with his owl on his shoulder. He saw you and went to a group of people consisting of a prisoner, a postman, and a tomb guard. He got up and talked to them as if he was talking about Marcy with them.
One of them got up and he was annoyed, heading towards you. He was the prisoner, and he started to provoke you and say: Oh that's what we need another Joseph to get us into trouble
Marcy pulled the fencing sword from her belt and Sofa almost stabbed the prisoner with it, directing him to the side of his head and saying : I don't know you, and I don't know who this Joseph is, but it's better for you to stay away from me, or else I'll cause you trouble if you want to.
Everyone was shocked because she doesn't even know the laws here
A girl in a mechanic's robe got up and separated the two of you and said: You cannot use your abilities in the palace, and it is forbidden to use them with survivors. They can be used outside at the start of the game and used on hunters.

Marcy She already knew before that there is a game that everyone plays in the palace and win and get a prize to fulfill their desires But she didn't know the laws of this place either she said : Well then I'm sorry but get that kid away from me or it'll be worse
The mechanic said: oh you mean Luca? He didn't mean to do that, he was annoyed at Hunter Joseph because you look like him, right Luca?
*She slapped Luca on the shoulder* he said : ouch ! Okay okay I am sorry
Marcy:never mind
She walked out of the room upset and headed to a room where she could relax
She actually found an empty room with only a bed, a wardrobe and a mirror

She lay for ten minutes in bed and she couldn't sleep I got up to go to the kitchen to drink some water And She came across a doctor

Identity v Marcy's novel (oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora