я тебе люблю

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It's a warm day in Kiev Ukraine, a loud fan blows in a girls face. She has long ginger hair, beautiful freckles, soft rosy cheeks down to the tip of her nose is pink. Tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't stop it. Her ears were ringing and in old folk tales it means someone was talking about you.

Talia, my darling. Oh!
Talia, my darling. Oh!

Tears drip right on her phone. It was open to a chat screen, the name at the top read 'Mischa ❤️' it's been not just hours since he had last responded however, nearly two whole days. He was quite good with answering her too as he was in love with his 'divine Talia'.

"Oh where are you my darling Mischa? I hope you're okay.." Talia told herself. She was talking aloud to almost convince herself more than anyone. Besides she sat alone in the room, only her cat laid on the foot of her bed looking at her as if concerned.

Normally he consistently chatted with Talia, the last thing he said was; 'I am going on this rollercoaster called The Cyclone?? I've never been on a rollercoaster hopefully the others don't see me as weak. Anyway, I love you Talia. Speak to you soon!'... I love you Talia. Speak to you soon! But he hasn't answered. He should be safe in Canada, nothing crazy should have happened. But then why? Why has he forgotten her?

"Maybe he is just busy after the carnival trip. He did say everyone's been growing fond to him..! Maybe they're having a sleepover..!" She choked on her words. She grabbed her plump white pillow before putting it onto her face, then started to weep loudly.

"Please," She spoke through her weeps in the pillow still. "be safe my dear Mischa Bachinski. I don't know what I would do without you my dear."


The group surrounds Mischa as he stares longingly at his phone. He has no bars, no wifi and his phone battery has one percent. He stared at the text between him and Talia then opened a picture. He rubbed his thumb over the photo right where her cheek would be.

His phone turned black. Tears burrowing in his eyes. One slid down his cheek, it was cold on his warm cheeks. Noel peeks over Mischa's shoulder and rest his chin on the males shoulder. His arms wrapped around him from the back, giving him a hug in silence. He didn't exactly know how to comfort him, but he tried.

Mischa pulled Noel's arms off of him, before turning to Noel. He dragged him into a tight embrace as he cried into his shoulder. He felt so little, like nothing. He started to fall to his knees as he weeped louder. Sobs and yells came out of his mouth. It was pure agony and grief.

"I will never see my Talia. Never marry the woman whom I love, and she knows nothing of my death.." He punched the floor with all of his might. Noel put his hand between his fist and the floor he banged on.

A wince escaped Noel's mouth, but he didn't want Mischa to keep hurting himself, he was in enough pain as it is.. "Fuck!" Mischa screamed out.


(Mmmm, angst. I'll continue this soon mwahaha! — 543 words.)
(Also if you think about it, Talia never knew he died so let's see where I can bring this! I have a rough outline already.)

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