Amaris and Carn's Supernatural Inquiries Part 1: Oblivion

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So I've been thinking about writing a story, it's just something I came up with (and is sort of inspired by xxxHOLiC) and I don't want to forget it. I figured why not just put it on watt pad? (You can also find me on tumblr So here is the first part, if you like it tell me please:). 

Ellis hasn't seen Edna all day. In fact he hasn't seen much of anything all day. Everything was disappearing, even sounds and smells. Edna could have very well been screaming at him all day and he never would have known. This terrified him immensely. He decided finally to leave the void his flat had become. On his way out he was thrilled to see his landlord and hear his "hello." When he tried to make conversation, however, Ellis noticed the landlord's mouth was moving, but the sound had stopped, and his image slowly faded away. Ellis rushed on, "I hope to god this is a nightmare." When he got outside it was dark. "Has the sun disappeared too?" He mused. He saw street lamps were on though, and familiar buildings he passed every day and watched in horror as they too faded from his vision. The familiar sound of traffic was gone. Even the spirits had gone. That was the only good thing about this horror was the absence of the spirits that constantly plagued him for attention making him look insane. He ran. The farther he ran the more disappeared. Until he came to a small building that didn't fade. He'd never seen it before, in fact he was sure it wasn't there until now. "But then again," he thought, "I've no idea where I am with no landmarks to tell me." He walked inside, there was a woman there. "Hello!" She said cheerily, "how can I help you? I'm Amaris-" and her voice stopped and she was gone. "Oh god come back! Don't leave me I need help, everything is disappearing I feel like I've gone mad!" He was frantic. Suddenly he felt that he was being pushed by some unseen force. Something wanted him to go through the door behind the counter that was rapidly disappearing. He obeyed, "what else could possibly happen?" He was pushed into a chair he heard a voice behind him, "What seems to be the problem?" "Everything's disappearing," he responded, "sounds, smells, everything I see."
"How long has this been happening?" Said a much different voice from the same source. "I don't know, I've lost all perception of time. Who are you?" "Ca-" Ellis heard a pause, and whispering, then, "if I tell you," the voice had again changed, "you won't be able to hear me. We can help you, it'll just be a moment." A glass was set in front of him, he was astonished to it floating in midair before he remembered there had been a table there, and must still be there. He reached for the glass but it was gone, and he couldn't locate it. His head was forced back, and a liquid poured down his throat. His head spun, the room spun. The room! He could see the room! He looked down, he could see the table! Then everything went black, and his head hit the table he'd been so excited to see. When he awoke, the woman, Amaris, was sitting across from him, smiling smugly.

Well theres part 1, I know it's a little boring now but it gets better promise!

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