Chapter One

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Rowan had left the academy of Wynfree a few days ago. He had heard rumors of a beast hidden in the mountains of Solitude. He felt drawn to it with a longing sense as if an invisible rope was tugging at him. He packed his bag and started on the long journey to Solitude.

Rowan eventually reached the mountains, although he was never quite sure how long it took him to get there. He trekked up a game trail, as there were no man-made ones that he could find. It was rough and slow going. Still, he never thought of giving up. The force pulling him was too strong to be ignored.

Lost in thought, he almost didn't see the bridge when he reached the summit. Thankfully, he looked up at the last moment. Even so, the snowy ground nearly made him slip. His eyes flared a brilliant blue, and with an outstretched hand, he created a barrier made of ice.

He gets up and dusts himself off. The bridge seemed rickety and didn't look like it could hold his weight. Rowan thought for a moment, then his eyes flared blue again. Ice started to coat the bridge. He tested it and found that he could put his weight on it. He crossed the bridge, reinforcing it when needed. Eventually, he made it to the other side. As he stepped off the bridge, he felt a chill down his spine. Rowan didn't get cold. Something was off.

Rowan drew a sword he had brought with him. It was nothing special, just a plain steel sword. He scanned the area, not wanting to be caught unprepared and unaware. His eyes glowing blue, he made his way further up the mountain.

Eventually, he saw stone steps poking out through the snow. He was close, but he couldn't let excitement overcome him. There was a danger lurking nearby, he could feel it.

He walked up the cracked stone steps as fear started to creep into the back of his mind. He shut his eyes tightly and thoughts began to race through his mind. Maybe I should turn back. Something is lurking in this place. Something dangerous!

At that moment, he heard a crackling sound. He opened his eyes to see his sword covered in ice. He swore as he tried to break the ice off without damaging the blade. After he was satisfied that he could use the weapon without issue, he sheathed it and started up the steps again. Before long he was reaching another summit. His eyes blazed blue as he ascended the final steps.

There stood a ruined courtyard. Its pillars had long since fallen into disrepair, the tiles were cracked and frozen. a layer of snow covered everything. Rowan noticed none of this, however. His eyes were fixated on something that stood in the center of the courtyard: A sword. This was no ordinary sword, however. It radiated power. The sword was a glacier blue and a snowy white, much like its surroundings. It had intricate designs all around the handle, hilt, and blade. Rowan couldn't quite make this out, however. All Rowan knew was that he wanted it, needed it. The sense of longing from inside him had turned into a monster of greed. He would do anything to have this weapon.

"Anything...?" A sleepy voice boomed from everywhere all at once. Rowan's hand went to the sword at his hip and drew it within a fraction of a second.

"Rather impressive reaction speed..." The voice thundered. Rowan wildly scanned the courtyard, trying to locate the source of the voice. Rowan saw movement around the blade in the center of the courtyard. The ice cracked and chipped, before shattering completely. Where the ice once was now stood an icy blue dragon. Rowan's eyes widened in sudden fear. I need to run, this is dangerous. I need to get help. It's a dragon!

"So you fear me..." Said the voice. Rowan now recognized this as the dragon. "Pathetic. Those who came before you did not know fear"

Rowan took a step back. How was he to defeat this monster? The sense of longing gone, he took another step. He kept his eyes on the dragon, and the dragon's eyes never left his. He was about to take another step when he heard a rumbling sound around him. A thick sheet of ice rose from the ground, trapping him.

"Nowhere to run, hatchling. Now, what are you going to do?"

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