♡Introduction!♡ and headcount..no pun intended.

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This is basically, a list of all the characters so far and their basic information. Nothing to exiting or extragalactic yet. So without further due, here they are!
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Note:before I began once more, these are actually based of actually fears and phobias, you have been warned.
Name:Alta Acrophobia.
Age:140 years of age.
Act:The tallest being alive to live.
Fact:Alta is not a human being, and they are estimated to be taller than giants which would be, 14 feet and 11 inch's.
Personality?:They have a very ditzy personality but are a gentle giant at heart. They like helping their friends,family members, and others get a good view of a sunset or the show Or performance itself. Self conscious about their height and often is afraid to interact with new people.
Danger level:1.0 out 10. Not really a threat, just a big old teddy bear that wants to be loved.
Appearance:A very well dressed individual in a suit with brown shades and white shades of clothing. Soft yellow eyes and a shy smile.
Sexuality?:Unknown, their don't know whom or what their attracted to.
(I'll add more later on..)
Name:Hagar Heights Pteromerhanophobia.
Age:200 years of age.
Act:The main Trapeze Artist, the artist of flight themselves.
Fact:Hagar loves to fly! It makes them feel carefree and cleansed. Hagar has wings that have grown from their back where there shoulder bones and joints are, however it functions normally and healthily. Their wings are 6.7 meters wide and would be very heavy to a normal human. Hagar is a humanoid winged creature.
Personality?:Carefree and friendly and outgoing kinda fellow. Kinda lazy and forgetful at times yet still has a good heart. Likes to help helpless people (that are innocent) to safety. Seems like they have an I don't care auditive but really is protective over their friends,family, and co workers.
Danger level:2.5 out of 10. Not really a threat e their but still can get carried away.
Appearance:blue color palette, and tights and ruffled pants that stop to their knees. Spenders that hold up their trousers/pants and a nice collared shirt with slits in the back to let their wings out. Cool and chill look. Face is not visible currently for humans...
Sexuality?:Bi-sexual. Males and females of any species doesn't really mind.
(Will add more later on..).

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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