Chapter One:.........What?!

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{General POV}

Alex was just sitting at his desk, counting the treading seconds until school finally ended. It's not like the teachers at the new gifted and talented school were that boring. It was just that he was very tired by pulling an all nighter.


Finally! He thought as everyone was dismissed for the day. Once out of those hallways filled with students, Alex stretched out his arms and yawned. He decided to walk home alone this time, since his friends already are starting their after school clubs. Meanwhile, he already mastered his singing and arts. Alex wasn't the student, more like the teacher!

Suddenly, he spotted someone, a girl, that was passing by. Though, she seemed transparent, like a ghost! Alex rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Maybe I just had very little sleep, he reasoned as he opened his eyes again, only to realize she was right in front of him!

"You can see me, right?!" the girl asked. She seemed the same age as him. With long dark brown hair and blue ocean eyes that met his chocolate brown ones. He just nodded slightly, afraid of what she would say next. Surprisingly, the girl jumped up from happiness in her white dress.

"Well, my name is Ashely and I have a question for you." she said in a calm tone. Alex quickly nodded his head.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Well... not until now." he replied

Ashely blushed and Alex was very confused. After all, it's not every day you meet a ghost!


Well, what did ya think? 😝

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