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         "Wonderful" Calvin said. He admired Valentina for about half an hour. He never knew Valentina was a sightless girl. He walk torwards her with vigour. Although Valentina have a sight problem but can feel for Calvin.
Calvin had a talk with Valentina and finally got to know about Valentina being a victim.
After their negotiation has come to an end, Calvin asked to escort Valentina home. Valentina was really scared and shy because she is a victim. She thought no one can have time for her.
Calvin confronted her by saying he is not going to hurt her even though they just met.
Valentina renounce her bad mind set about Calvin and decided to follow him.
         Their way to Valentina's house, Valentina said many things about her past that persuaded Calvin. "I was once a sighted person". Valentina said in a sad manner.
I was a girl of free spirited and fun loving person. It was a gift of a friend that made me partially sightless.
      At their arrival, Valentina introduce Calvin to her family. Calvin was given a chair and a drink to wet out his throat.
Valentina said a lot about Calvin to impress her mother..

       Some minutes later, Valentina accompany Calvin to his car. Calvin gave Valentina some surplus of money. Although Valentina needs money to continue her sight check-up but she renounce the money back to Calvin.
Calvin convince her but she still decided not to have the money..
They both have their last conversation and Calvin left.
Valentina had a talk with her mother about her new friendship with Calvin.

"I was just walking and felt the scent of Calvin." Said Valentina. He talk to me and I told her what am going through.
Although we just met but I can feel for him.
Mrs. Mirabel (Valentina's mother), asked   her not to put all her trust in Calvin because, some men are betrayals.
"Calvin is not such men believe me mom".  Valentina tried defending Calvin.
            3years later, Calvin and Valentina have known much about themselves. They have decided to get married.

Calvin negotiate with his family about his fiance (Valentina).
Though Valentina is a nice, beautiful and bewitchness girl but due to her sight, Calvin father was not happy with Calvin's decision.
Calvin was provoke by his dad.
And suddenly left the house with anger.
His dad however searched for Calvin's whereabout but didn't get any information about Calvin.

            On the other hand, Calvin at his friend Philip's house, discussing with him about what had happened between him and his family.
Philip gave him an idea to accept his father's decision. Calvin became upset and was wondering what will happen to Valentina the poor innocent victim.
He was still not happy with the decision so he decided to get married to Valentina securit without his families awareness.
Calvin thereafter went to Valentina and seek all the hardship he is going through. He asked Valentina if she will be okay to marry him illegally. Valentina was totally getting mad at him but because she loves Calvin very well, she accepted it.  
Calvin later left to a hotel after his conversation with Val.
           Next morning, it's the wedding day for Calvin and Valentina.
Even though Valentina was very close to her mother and sisters but she didn't inform them.
The wedding was about to begin. Calvin have been there waiting for Valentina to get there.
It got to about 4 to 5 hours. Valentina haven't been there. Calvin was confused about the sudden behavior of Val so he called Mrs. Mirabel to ask whether he will have any information about Val but he didn't get any info.
Calvin waited for Valentina throughout the day to see whether Val will be there but not at all.

     On the other hand, Val the bride was in a bush raped. She was bleeding and was half dead.
A certain guy passed by with a car and find Val laying down.
"Who did this"? The guy said. He carried Val into his car and drove her to the hospital.
Doctors held Val.
Calvin left the chapel and went back to his family house.
"You are obviously right dad".
Sightless people does not deserve my heart and even me I don't deserve their heart.  I'm forever going to accept your decisions.
Calvin finally decided to leave the country to the United States of America (USA) to start a new generation.
Calvin never asked for Valentina and left.
      Back to the hospital, the sightless girl Val was awake. She asked a doctor what she was doing there.
Immediately, she felt some pain inside her vagina.
The doctor tried to help her but she asked the doctor not to come near her.
The guy who brought Val to the hospital was asked to fill some form.
A doctor called him and gave him the results of Val.
Val was raped and through that, she is pregnant..
The guy who don't know anything about Val became shocked looking frightening.
He entered into the room Val was admitted.
"Who are you"? Val asked.
"I'm Theophilus". He commented..
Infact, I was the one who brought you here..
I saw you in a bush bleeding.
Theophilus gave the result to Val asking her to read.
"I'm a sightless girl can't you see". Val was sad.
Theophilus became upset when he heard about Val being a victim.
"I'm sorry madam! I never knew you are a sightless person". "Then who did this to you"? The person is so wicked witch. Theophilus said to impress her.
He told Val whatever the result said.
"I'm done for now". Val said.
He asked Theophilus to lend her his phone.
He tried calling Cal but it was switched off.
She called her sister Hillary and told her what had happened to her.
Hillary told her to stay calm because, she will be there with their mother soon.
Val thanked Theophilus a lot and asked him to leave her because her family are on the way coming.
"I can't leave you alone here". Theophilus said.
             A few minutes later, Hillary, Mary and their mother have arrived at the hospital.  Mrs. Mirabel faint when she heard her daughter have been raped.
Doctors check her and found out she had a stroke.
"What's happening to my family"? Mary said.. all this are the fault of Val.
Theophilus paid all the bills for Val and her mother and asked them to call him whenever they need help.
Val and her mother have been discharged from the hospital. I will let the guilty pay for this
Theophilus sent the Teikoleon's family to the house.
Theophilus asked Val if she will accept him to be the father of her child.
Really,,!! Val commented. I accept you.
As times goes on, all the family became free with Theophilus. Val have been calling Cal's num but still not going.
Hillary asked her to forget Cal since Theophilus have  come into her life.
Val was still having some feeling for Cal that she can't renounce.
      6  months later, Valentina's pregnancy has grown. She was happy even though her child will not have a biological father.
Theophilus bought everything the child will need to play.
          One day, Val tried her best and went to Calvin's house to find out what's wrong. She met Cal's father rather.

Watch out for the next part.
Will be continued.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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