The Beginning of All.

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A repetitive sound had woken you up, opening your eyes slowly as you took in the scene of your bedroom. Rubbing your eyes you sat up carefully, reaching over to turn off the alarm that had woken you up.

Today was the day. A new fresh start, A new look for yourself. Sighing in relief, you slowly lifted yourself off the bed and onto the floor. You stood for a moment letting yourself mentally prepare and think.

Heading over to your closet you picked out your outfit, though it was uniform, you gently got yourself dressed and started for the day, once looking into the mirror for a quick second, you wore something similar to this.

You gave a small smile, relieved that you were content with how you looked today, you still had to do your hair and light makeup

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You gave a small smile, relieved that you were content with how you looked today, you still had to do your hair and light makeup. You brushed out your hair making sure no tangles had been there, making it look soft and healthy. You had black long hair, however it was layered, you liked that about your hair.

You fixed yourself, having slippers on before heading out of your room with your bag, phone and headphones. You made your way downstairs towards the kitchen, even a quick breakfast would settle you down enough.

"Mei, theres some breakfast there for you on the table, have a bite if you can, before you leave."
Your dad spoke to you with his back turned still making food. Your mom stumbled in putting on heels before giving you a kiss on your head, and going to your dad to kiss him. She was in a suit, as she took a moment to breathe.

"Okay i have to go to work already, somewhat late my bad, uhh dewdrop have a great day at school, take it easy okay? honey have a great day at work, make sure you do your best."
She spoke to you and your father hoping to make you both relaxed and assured, you smiled at the nickname she had for you.

"Have fun mom, don't stay out too late."
you spoke  making a joke at the end, as you seated yourself, eating the freshly made breakfast.

"You work hard sweetheart!! Make them jealous!"
Your dad called out to your mom as she laughed, before leaving from the house on her way to work.
"You absolutely positive you don't want me to drive you, dewdrop?"
Your dad turned to you with a curious look.

"I'm fine dad, go get ready for work, I don't mind walking. Have a good day."
your dad did a small nod, before walking over to kiss your forehead, taking off his apron and walking upstairs to go get ready for his big day as well.

As you finished your food, you put the plate in the sink, before walking towards the door, you switched out your slippers for sneakers, once you were done you opened the door and walked out.

Your new beginning starts today. As you walked, you put headphones on, the music muting the silence of your stroll. After 25 minutes passed you made it. You stared at the school in front of you, the nervousness you had made you fearful, but you shook it off. You stepped onto the school grounds making your way to hopefully, find the office to get your schedule.

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