Alternative Jobs

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The characters' jobs if they were not football players would be...

Isagi Yoichi 

He would be a football coach or a football analyst.

Bachira Meguru 

He would be a painter or a kindergarten teacher.

Kunigami Rensuke 

He would be a firefighter or police officer.

Chigiri Hyoma  

He would be a physical therapist or an occupational therapist.

Okuhito Lemon

He would be a high school teacher or a college professor.

Igarashi Gurimu

He would be a convenience store clerk.

Raichi Jingo

He would be a military captain.

Gagamaru Gin

He would be a tourist.

Naruhaya Asahi

He would be a chef or baker. 

Imamura Yudai

He would be a swimmer or a surfer boy. 

Kuon Wataru

He would be a gambler or a prisoner because he is a fraud. 

Barou Shouei  

He would be a wrestler or boxer because he's big and muscular.

Nagi Seishiro

He would be a gamer or a streamer.

Reo Mikage  

He would be a CEO or an entrepreneur of his family's company.

Tokimitsu Aoshi

He would be a gym employee or a janitor.

Aryu Jyubei

He would be a model, a hair stylist, or a hairdresser.

Rin Itoshi

He would be a doctor or surgeon.

Sae Itoshi

He would be a lawyer or attorney.

**NOTE: None of these is canon! Those are my assumptions! ^_^

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