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TIME: 11:00

In the midst of a turquoise blue sky, shone the sun delightfully - raying golden beams. But soon, the sky grew eerie and sprouted dark clouds eminating underneath, an intrepid combustion of both fire and flammable materials surfacing the atmosphere, polluting gaseous smoke as charcoal black.

   Gazing from above, columns and rows of high levelled buildings combust in smoke and fire, furiously caught in the screaming terror of people trapped within the very clutches of an impending doom, slowly burning away. As if it weren't enough, the lower levels riot in aggony shuffled throughout street blocks, city blocks and alley ways. In total disarray, most were either sane or probably infected by uncharacteristic anomalies developing rabies like symtopes, and their minds drowning in fuzzy blankets of fadingness, soon becoming what is described as 'complete madness' as if their minds are devoured entirely by another consciences, with eyes beaming to lurch upon their targets trying to take a bite or too, no matter the circumstances as they leaped into the air like frogs at high speed, more menacingly, butchering hordes of innocent bystanders cannibalizied in the tens to hundreds, bitting, ripping, tearing, dismounting lifeless heads, and finally gawning down ghoulish bodies bathed in bloodlust. Just like a wildfire, animals were dropping down quickly as well as trying to divert a different path from the inserted danger on their direction. It was a savage massacre, a trivial matter non-existent for the likes of them, caring no slightly whatsoever.

   These beings had more of a characteristic that defined them as likely 'losing of all humanity'. From the pale face, distinguished by a rather potent stench; decaying of rotten flesh followed on the chest, legs, arms and basically all aspect of the body. In ways, their eyes seemed to be dilated: transparent. Then the body composition seems too thin, thick and slim, as the bones can actually be seen appearing to conjure out of the skin accompanied by a charcoal brush paint skin tone everywhere, and the hair tone likely untouched: remaining unchanged, for now.

   Seeing and feeling the intense tremor of fear penetrating into the depths of the soul, the once life fruitful and maintained collapsed suddenly becoming unaware. The collateral damages consisted of crashing vehicles on the road, public amenities suffereing and buildings set ablaze, or doomed to catastrophic practices of men. Men who were unstable. They cried for help, but to no avail; tried hiding nothing; fighting nothing. The 'turned' dominated the populace massing in hundreds to close thousands as time passed on. Every inch step taken, blood spurs right infront of a persons face, then later latches itself onto the next set of victims attacking them free willingly - pulled lying around to be turned.


   Multiple footsteps could be heard brimming in disarray, but surely were in an organized manner, as the concrete cement staircase became like a marching ground, as closely walking and threading to the 100th floor door exit. The mass of people threading the floors were in shock, afraid to even speak or comment at least a single word. Horror of getting attacked by what unknown abnormalities happened to a near relative, friend, co-worker or family member would also befall them making them more terrified to the bone, bewildered by it.

   In the eyes of one, a couple more steps was needed then to open the lock and squeeze in the door wide. The door punched open like a bang. But what echoed from down below, screamed in a shreecking, clapped horror. An astonishing amount of screams waved in accordancing dance through the spiralling staircase. The survivors fled continuously out the exit door, running towards the heli landing zone, while upping some steel rails. A rescue helicopter awaited the boarding passengers as they were seen just a few metres from the helicopter's sight. There a man standing parallel to the boarding deck in red and white uniform called out shouting, "Move! Move! Move!" Offically signalling the incoming and soon nearby survivors to board the deck as quickly as possible, and one by one, a repetitive score of passengers launched inside immediately, hoarded.

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