chapter one

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"This is the hunters creed, we will slay anything that walks during the night we will protect and purify the human race, we will slay as our fathers did our fathers , our fathers"

As the slayers stood around all suited in black chanting the words their fathers had chanted for centuries , The oval room echoed as they chanted "our fathers blade, the blade of our blood"

karla stood in front the crowd her head bowed on her knees she held her palms out. she whispered the words "The blade of our blood"

Her beauty illuminated the room at eighteen she would become a hunter and someday their queen, she was the only offspring born to the king, she would someday be the first queen in their bloodline. She reminded her father of her mother a woman she had never laid eyes on , felt her touch as she tucked her in or even had the joy of pissing her off as she became a teenager and that pained karla, to look in the mirror everyday and see a connection she never had the chance of feeling. Her father approached her his dark skinned bronzed against his black hunters suit his crowned placed on top of his dark coursed hair he smiled as dimples creased his cheeks "My daughter" he spoke

"My only blood on this earth i make you the same promise my father made to me"

"That you will one day inherit all the people whom stand around you , the human race will be yours to protect, your hunters will be yours to guide"

" I give to you my daughter the sword of your fathers, The sword of your ancestors the only thing that has survived the old world"

Jason pulled from his belt a objected wrapped in torn red silk unraveling the treasure that would soon belong to karla, he revealed a gold dagger placing the blade against karla palm he cut. karla winced at the plain doing her best to mask any sign of weakness. she watched as the blade glided across her palm every name was carved into this blade including her fathers. Jasons eyes gleamed with pride as he laid the dagger in karla's hands. " every fathers names is on this blade and now for the first time in our history a woman's name has marked the blade " he smiled

karla watched as her name appeared on the blade

This was the first time karla had ever seen her father proud , this moment dulled the pain for karla although only for a moment she felt a connection to her father.

"Thank you Jason" karla smiled

Jason placed his hand on karla's shoulder giving it a tight squeeze he gestured his hands to the tribe.

"step forward right hand" he shouted

In Karla's tribe every leader had a right hand and she knew instantly who her right hand would be it was destined every right hand came from the same family, coming forward in a dark blue hunters suit stood Charles his blue eyes always soften at the sight of karla. his long blonde hair was tied back, Charles was tall and his strong jawline often attracted the attention of every female. Charles approached Jason knelling before karla he held his right hand before her Charles smiled "i pledge to you my life, to serve you, to advise you, to follow you into battle and death"

karla accepted Charles hand completing the ritual.

after the ritual the future queen decided to take a walk with her right hand, Charles had been around karla her whole life she never really paid too much attention to him and had probably only spoken one word to him.

"you'll be with me the rest of my life and i know nothing about you " she spoke

"you know that my life is yours now" he replied

"you know that my father serves your father and now i serve you"

karla stopped looking Charles in the eyes frowned "you're not just a right hand Charles, i want to know who you are not your status"

"Call me Charlie, My friends call me Charlie" he smiled taken Karla's hand he lead her through the castle, Karla learned that Charlie was more than a right hand he was kind and would one day be her best friend.

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