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A/N - Hello All and welcome to my new book!!! This book contains 3 OC's, I do not own My Hero Academia, however I have created these OC's, please do not use them in your own works without asking me first. Please enjoy the story and let me know if you have anything you want me to improve on anything. Thank you! 

- Anarchy Division

Name: Himura Koji

Sex: Male

Pronouns: he/they

Role: Villain

Codename: Pestilence, horseman of the Apocalypse

Alignment: None, ???

Quirk: Decayed air

(Allows the user to create anything out of air, anything touched by this air will start to decay, the amount of decay can be manipulated by the user. This can be used to capture enemies and make platforms.)

Personality: Dark, edgy, mysterious, kind of flirty


??? - Lover

??? - Best friend


Villain outfit:

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Villain outfit:


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Name: Ebina Hekima

Sex: Male

Pronouns: he/him

Role: Vigilante

Codename: Neuro-lock

Alignment: ???, ???

Quirk: Neuro Pirate

(Allows the user to connect with minds and steal other quirks for a limited time, during this time, the pirated quirk is maxed out in power and all drawbacks are cancelled, after the time limit has been reached the pirated quirk is given back to the original owner, causing splitting headaches and nausea. Quirks can be taken from a distance, however this reduces the time limit for the quirk to be used.)

Personality: Mysterious, Calm, Reserved, Protective over ???


??? - Lover

??? - Best friend


Vigilante outfit:

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Vigilante outfit:


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Name: Kubo Ahmya

Sex: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Role: Hero in training / ???

Codename:  The Walking Armory: Catalyst/ ???

Alignment: ???, ???, ???

Quirks: (Weapon-Arm), (Combat Mastery), ???

(Weapon-Arm): Allows the user to create any weapon from their arms. The user has to know how to use the weapon before they are able to summon it.

(Combat Mastery): This quirk allows the user to learn instantly how to use a weapon to the best of it's ability. This quirk is activated through touch, works with pictures as well but the effect and damage the weapon can inflict is halved.

(???): This quirk allows the user to ... [Contents Redacted]

Personality: Cold, Confident, loves to fight


??? - Best friend

??? - Best friend

??? - Person of obsession (Later this will turn into a girlfriend)


Hero outfit:

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Hero outfit:

Hero outfit:

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I do not own any of these images, I thank the google gods for them, if you see your artwork and want it taken down, please let me know! Who are the relationships, what do the question marks mean for Kubo Ahmya? If you have any questions regarding any of the quirks, please let me know and I will try to answer them all. Find out in the next chapters! Bye All! Anarchy Division signing off

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