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Sana stood next to Tokoyami on the third place pedestal, staring blankly ahead of her

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Sana stood next to Tokoyami on the third place pedestal, staring blankly ahead of her. The bird-headed boy had his arms crossed, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You've proven yourself to be a formidable opponent, Sakano. I'm grateful we didn't cross paths during the battles."

"Oh," Sana blinked. "Thank you." She tried to smile. "That means a lot coming from you, Tokoyami. I've always thought you were one of the strongest in class." The boy hummed, nodding.

She glanced to her right, where Shoto stood on the second place pedestal. Their battle had lasted about fifteen minutes. Endeavor's fire had helped protect her against the cold, but Shoto had repeatedly encased her in ice, cooling her down little by little until there was nothing left. By that point, she'd been so drained that the boy simply threw her out of bounds.

At the moment, Shoto looked distracted and pensive. However, Bakugou was the most expressive of them all. Despite coming in first place, the ash blonde was far from satisfied. He fought against the gag and restraints the faculty had placed on him, throwing his entire body towards the Todoroki boy. All Might appeared in his usual dramatic fashion to present them with their medals. Tokoyami was first, then Sana.

"Young Sakano," the top hero greeted her with his bright smile. He placed the medal around her neck and pat her head. "You did well today, and showed your strength to the world. I hope you're as proud of yourself as I am to be your teacher."

"Thank you, All Might," she voice shook with so many emotions. He gently ruffled her hair before moving on to congratulate Shoto.

After the awards ceremony, they were free to change their clothes and leave. As Sana walked towards the changing rooms, she spotted a familiar head of green hair alone ahead of her. "Midoriya," she called after him. The shy boy turned around.

"Oh, Sakano," he smiled nervously. "Hi-" Sana silently bowed at a 90 degree angle. The greenette squeaked, his entire face turning red in embarrassment. "AH, SAKANO! W-what?"

"I would like to thank you... as well as apologize." The boy in question calmed down.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I misjudged you, Midoriya." Sana straightened, her usually bright eyes hardened and dull. "I couldn't understand why Shoto chose you of all people, but I see it now." She laughed emptily. "You really are special." Her voice broke on the last word.

The freckled boy shook his hands frantically. "No-"

"I underestimated you. I thought you were replacing me... but I realize now that he hasn't needed me for some time." Her smile was one of bittersweet acceptance, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Her fingernails dug into her skin as she clasped her hands in front of her. "I'm grateful for all you did for Shoto today. You did something that I could never hope to accomplish."

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