the end of the brush

492 9 0

?? P.o.v

There it is the window of my dear beloved ahhh how i wish he was just mine and no one else! But you cannot do it yet ?? I still need to wait for the right time but when the times comes he will be mine

I climbed to the window of my love and got in and as i observe the room i saw my light my fire my LOVE 💕 sleeping peacefully ahh~ so cute (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) ahh~ but i still can't take him yet so I'll just take something he owns hmm ooh his brush!

As i was walking towards the window holding his brush i stepped on a squeaky duck?!! WHY THE HELL IS THERE A DUCK(uhmm... I totally did not put it there...)"*groans*" 'oh shi-' ...escape time!

After ?? Escape

Ahh finally home and with my future lovers brush and i know it's weird but love is love

Morning comes

Red son's P.o.v

What was the noise last night and where the hell is my brush!!!??

Arthur:bye I'll upload another episode if I'm free or doing nothing but this was a short 1st episode

Word count:197

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