Broke and Bashfull

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That was it. What I was waiting for. The letter, and on today of all days. I saw it from ten feet away and knew exactly what it was. As I slowly approached my apartment door, on the mat lay an envelope. I picked it up and sighed, slowly turning it over and opening it to read what it said :

"Dear Mr. Parker,

It has been 2 months since you have paid your rent. You are over charged 1,478 dollars. Due to this, we are revoking your residence from the building. You should be out by Friday.

Sighed - Artisan's Apartment Complex 12 Northveiw"

I stood there and huffed, folding up the letter and shoving it in my pocket. I knew this was coming. After I had begged my dads over and over again that I was "responsible enough" and could "afford my own place without any of their help" here I was, being proven wrong. This felt like I had been living a dream, and this letter was the wake-up call I needed.

6 months ago, I told my dads I wanted to move out and have my own place because I was 20 and all responsible and stuff. While Steve was totally supportive and okay with it, Tony (of course) was not. He said it was dumb because I already had somewhere nice to live and that I was too young to live on my own. After days of arguing and bickering, we agreed that I could live on my own, as long as I paid for my own rent and food.

"Your always welcome back," Tony yelled.

I thought this was what adulthood was. Working some crapy photography job, getting underpaid, and getting nowhere in life. Guess I was wrong.

I snapped out of my head and jammed my key into the lock, twisting the key and pushing open my door to my messy (small) apartment. I sank to the couch, being too tired to leak any tears and dropping my bag to the ground.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I angrily mumbled to myself. "I can't go back to live with Tony and Steve after all that. Where the shits am I supposed to find another apartment either? This was the cheapest place I could find." My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone dinging. I whipped my head up and grabbed it to see a single text, from the one and only, merc with a mouth.

Wade : heyyyyy. We still patrolling tonight?

"Damn it," I thought. "Sometimes being Spider-Man sucks"

Peter : Yeah. Gimmie 10 and I'll meet you at our usual spot.

Wade : okie dokie! See ya :)

I threw down my phone and ripped out my suit from my bag. I had only known Deadpool or Wade for about a year, but our relationship feels so close. After MJ died, I was broken. I really had no friends or family to turn to besides my dads, but they always were busy with work. I was lonely, and it just happened to be pure coincidence that I had met Wade.

I bumped into him (literally) and after a while of talking, we started becoming somewhat friends and would patrol together. Then, he started to open up to me and I started to open up to him. We both showed each other our faces and names, dreams and loved ones, lives and little details about our days. We were friends, good friends.

He told me about how he was experimented on and how he was a little crazy. He told me about his daughter Ellie and about his dead fiancée Vanessa. He told about his guilt of not being a good enough father and how he felt guilty for not being able to save Vanessa. He told me lots of things, and I told him stuff too.

We found an outlet through each other and found that we clicked in a way that most people don't. We were friends, partners, and I soon found he was the person to fill my gap in life. We made it routine in our days to patrol together so we would have someone to talk to and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed him.

I threw off my sweatpants and loose college shirt and slipped into my suit. I put back on the jacket I was wearing over my suit because it was normally really cold this late and especially around this time of year. I shoved open my window, not really caring if it damaged the wall and swung of to our normal meeting spot. It was a rooftop on the dingy side of town where most crime happened. I found Deadpool there a lot and it just happened to also be where we met. I still remember that night...

A young Peter Parker, 19 years old, mind scrambled and furious after finding out Mary Jane died in a car crash. I was sobbing uncontrollably and swinging basically anywhere there was a surface. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going until I slammed into a wall and feel to my knees. Tears leaking out of my face, I stared up at what was not a wall but in fact a large man in a skin tight maroon suit.

"I-I'm so sorry," I stuttered out while standing to face the now concerned mercenary.

"You alright?" the man asked dusting of one of my shoulders. I mumbled something about being sorry and he just looked at me strongly.

"Huh? What was that??" He said, looking into my quite eyes. I sat down with him and explained what happened as he just comforted my young self. To him I was a complete stranger and he just sat there, on a roof in the most sketchy place, comforting a destressed boy. I assumed he already knew Spider-Man but I had no idea who he was. Ever since that day, I kept bumping into him. I couldn't really tell if he was actively seeking me out or it was pure chance, but none-the-less I enjoyed seeing him around...

By the time I thought everything through, I was there. I saw Wade smiling and at me and I gave out a chuckle and a wave.

"Hey there handsome!" he yelled staring at my masked face.

"Hey Wade," I replied, landing lightly on the roof.

"How was your day snookum's?" he asked playfully. My mind fled back to the letter but I shoved it away and presented a happy face.

"Yeah, it was okay I guess," I said, shrugging off the question. I turned to the side and stared off keeping a watch on the city. "You ready to patrol?" I asked leaning in to hear his response.

"I mean, I guess if we're in a rush but we can wait a little," He muttered, seeming slightly surprised that I wanted to start without small talk or even asking him of his day.

I ran to the edge of the building but quickly turned around to see a small piece of paper, the piece of paper fall out of my jacket. I turned in a flash to see Wade already picking it up.

"What's this?" he asked. My face flushed and I quickly reached for the paper but Wade moved it away from my hands.

"Oh, it's nothing just give it back," Then, because the world hates Peter Parker, he opened up the letter and started reading. I anxiously stared, waiting for a response, to which was met by a stare from him.

"Wait, did you actually get evicted?" I look at him and put down my head in shame, not wanting to  let out my response.

"Yeah," I mumbled out. He looked at me, a thoughtful glare painting in the cracks of his mask.

"Well, you know your always welcome to stay with me." I jolted my head up to meet his eyes, surprised by the words he had just spoken.

"Are you serious?" I yelled. I mean, I knew we were friends but letting me live with him? I really didn't know what to say.

"Yeah! Anytime man!" I looked him dreamily for one of the first time. He shoved the paper against my chest until I got the que to finally grab it. "Seems like you've had a long day. Hehehe Long. Anyway, why don't I take over patrol for tonight hmm?" 

Penis jokes aside, what he offered was surprisingly sweet. He had me almost in a daze, so all I could do was nod yes and slip out a "thank you"

"Catcha' later alligator!" Wade yelled as he proceeded to grapple to another building and swing off. I thought about what he said. 

Living with Wade Wilson...

I might have to take him up on that offer.

1,444 words 

Hey guys! I finally got the inspo to write again so here! I think I will make about 10 or 11 chapters for this book so tell me what you thought. That's all for now! <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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