The cheese house horror-Short story

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Before you read, this story is very strange. it was written by my best friend insomnibaka please follow them and read their work <333

Now on with this strangely good story 

Walking to the bathroom and you go to wipe ur arse after an hour then all of a sudden you see a mouse, you scream, but it's just a stuffed rat I put next to a block of cheese. You sigh, confused by the sight. It wasn't there yesterday. In the dim light you notice other strange shapes, some vaguely rodent shaped, others squares with holes of varying sizes. You start to sweat now. The place is covered in yellow and grey, the walls painted yellow with a darker shade to show circles. You quickly stand up, staring in horror at here you just sat. The toilet seat was a mouses face, it's mouth being where you were previously shitting. You cover your mouth and tears fill you eyes, as you notice that not one thing was off theme. The lampshade was yellow, the toilet paper was yellow, and the picture frames you printed off with your best friend were now filled with pictures of rats, mice, and shops in France filled with cheese. You sob, opening the door to run out and talk to your friend, but it seems they beat you too it. Their pajamas, too, were yellow and rat themed. With a disgusted, terrified look on your face, you shake and watch his beaming, lifeless eyes stare into your own. "do you like how I redecorated the place?"

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