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I felt the cold and wet stone beneath me. The cold slowly crawled its way underneath my skin. Although the air seemed rather refreshing, this didn't help with my goosebumps. My vision was limited to the reach of my hand, even though my eyes got used to the dark. An uncomfortable feeling started to spread all the way through my body but still, we had to move forward

"Are you so cold too?" -Me

I rubbed my arms, trying to get rid of my goosebumps but as I should have expected it didn't help.

"No, I feel as warm as sand on a beach on a nice summer day" -YoHi (a recruit from the middlepart"  

The voice from behind never failed to annoy me. When you spent three months with strangers, they tend to become somewhat like old friends. That didn't change the fact that they were just as annoying. They were screaming for a break, but something seemed like they were onto something at this place. Surrendering was no option, since finding the Makre people was a honorable task, one shouldn't just quit on. Yet, after so many sleepless nights and pounding heads it seemed impossible to find anything related to them. Those circumstances lead the group to drown in an uncomfortable silence
That Silence was cut by a sudden loud bang that stopped everyone in their tracks and they were unable to say even a word, they even feared their breath to be too loud.
Eventually someone spoke up.

"Hey, backpart, give me some light over here!" -Captain
„On it!" -GoWe (a recruit of the backpart)

GoWe swiftly handed the captain a glowstick, which's light wasn't very bright but in such a situation we had to make do with what we had. We carefully proceeded to go on foward, following our captain with the glowstick, until we came across a big stone pillar, that was lying on the ground. This must have had caused the loud noise from before. Then I noticed something in the dim cone of the glowlight

„Guys, look over here! Those look like runes! Similar to the ones, that are said to be Makre." -Me
„You're right.... those are Makre!" -YoHi
„That's what we were looking for. Finally we found what we needed to prove that Makre people existed!" -Captain

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