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Thomas PoV:

My eyes open and my throat catches, i cough repeatedly gasping desperately for air. I wheeze in an effort to get some air but fail terribly. It takes nearly 2 minutes for my breathing to get back to normal. I stand up and yell "HELP!" While pounding on the roof of the box. As it reaches the top it jolts; sending me back on the floor.
The hatch opens to show the cage roof and 40-50 boys watching from above. "Cmon open it up" one of the boys say. Just then two boys pull open the hatch. A boy with freaky brows jumps down to me and says "day one greenie, rise and shine."
He pulls me up to my feet and helps me out of the box.
I start looking around me, taking in my surroundings. Ivy falling from the mile tall walls boxing us in, the trees towering over the over-grown grass that is taken over by wooden buildings planted around. The boys whispering indistinctly wraps me out of my thoughts. My fight or flight locks into flight and I get in my feet and start running. The wind played through my hair as a boy yelled "WE GOT A RUNNER!" All the others jeered and laughed in response. I ran even further but not much further I fell and rolled through the grass drenched in sweat.
All the boys cooed and yelled.

I drag myself to my knees when I hear someone walking towards me. "Hey greenie! Welcome to the glade..." his dark skin repelled off of the sun while he squinted his eyes at me. I breathe heavily and my whole body is trembling as i say "who are you? Where are we? Why can't I remember anything?!" I am so frustrated at this point. A blonde boy comes towards us and damn he is MAJESTIC. I try not to look as he stops. "Hey, you must be the new greenie," he has the thickest British accent and OH MY DAYS THOSE MUSCLES?! He is so attractive. "Uh- hm- y-yeah!" Why the fuck am I stuttering? "Well, I'm Newt. Your name should come back to you in a day or two." He offers his hand and I shake it. My face begins to burn and I turn back around so he can't see me. I see massive doors leading to an exit to this place. "Hey, why can't we go out there?"
"Can't tell you that. But my names Alby and Newt here is in charge when I'm gone."
"Lucky you're always around then huh?" Newt joked.

He walks away and I turn around to get another glance at him. He is so good looking. Me and Alby walk around so he can show me all the jobs and tell me stuff about the Glade. "There's only three rules in the Glade. 1) respect the glade 2) never hurt another Glader 3) never go beyond those walls."
After Alby tells me everything he calls over a kid called Chuck to take care of me for my first day.
He's got brown curly hair and is a little plump, he's really nice though but he's only 12-13. He doesn't deserve to be trapped here.

(30 minutes later)

Two boys come running out from whatever's out there. "I thought we weren't allowed out there?"
"I said we weren't allowed out there; for them it's different. They're runners, they know more about the maze then anyone.."
"You said maze, is that what's out there?"
"I did?!"
He shrugs it off when one of the runners come jogging past and say "hey Chuck, new greenie? How's it feel to be promoted?"
"Great Minho!"
Minho runs past and goes up some stairs.

(Dinner time)

Me and Newt sit down together behind a log and start talking. About what's behind those walls and why we can't go out there. He explains that it's dangerous and that I have to promise him never to go out there. He seemed kinda desperate like he didn't want me to get hurt.

(Newt PoV:)

I Like this new greenie. He's different then the others, more caring and more interested. He's really cute with the gleam of the fire gently crossing his skin. Did I just call him cute? I mean I know I'm gay but I've known this dude for like what, a day?

He shuffles a little closer to me and it sends soft tingles down my spine. The glint of light in his brown eyes sparks some random interest in me; sending my body closer to his in a desperate effort to kiss him. He leans in closer to the point in can feel his breath on my face, it's just in that moment that I hear someone yell "HEY GREENIE!"
He jolts back and clears his throat, standing up quickly. He puts one foot in front of the other and walks away.

(Thomas PoV:)

What just happened? Why did I walk awayyyyy?
I walk over to Gally who called me over when he says, "hey greenie, wanna try?" He was referring to us fighting. I nod hesitantly and he charges at me, sending me backwards. I tumble over and push myself back up. I take a Deep breath and run at him but he moves away, just as he does I pull him back and onto the ground. "Not so hard now, huh?" Just as I finish the last word he sweeps me off my feet and I smack my head hard on the ground. Pain flows through my head and just in that moment something clicks. I pay there for a second and whisper, "Thomas.. that's my name... Thomas! I KNOW MY NAME! IM THOMAS!" I yell to everyone around me. It stays silent for a second before Alby points at me and says "That's Thomas!" They all cheer and surround me with coos and yells.

This place is weird. But I'm gonna find a way out for their sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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