Bitches say shit

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Hi everyone. I just got this app called watt ass u can see you might know many bitches out there you don't like.some ratchet female and some stupid people. They might talk shit about you but you always got to stand up for yourselfs. U might be asking why I'm telling u this because I'm not actually like a writing kind of person. I use to get bullied in school and people talking stuff about me and made me cry .i was upset I didn't like day I stood up and told the teacher they bother me and they got suspended. One way u wouldn't want a person to stop bothering u is by hitting them or being mean back because that will made more bitches say a lot of shit.some times u just shake it off sometimes h superman punch the shit out of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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