⋆·: ̗̀➛chapter 1⋆·˚ ༘ *

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This first chapter is a chapter I wrote a long time ago, so it's written in first person because that's what I felt most comfortable with at the time. But now in the current time I have switched to a third-person view again, so excuse my confusing writing choices. 

Enjoy my book tho!:D

                                                              //sincerely sachi


I woke up. Not knowing where I was, at all, I heard a voice calling on me and a bright light shining in front of my eyes. Opening them, I saw a blue light. I felt water surrounding my body and another body next to me. The voice called out again, to not just me, but to someone else as well.

"Link, Pika, open your eyes. Wake up." It was a girl's voice, but it was distant. The water around our bodies that we lay in sunk down and evaporated. I sat up just as the person next to me did. Looking down at my body I realised I didn't wear clothes, just a short tank top and a pair of small shorts, both navy blue. The boy beside me looked at me while I looked back at him. We were both confused. I had no memory of anything.

He indicated for us to get out of the place we had woken up in, I did so without hesitation and looked around the room we were in. There were no windows, only a kind of "bed" in the middle of it. I squinted with my eyes, just getting used to the lightning. I saw some kind of doorway and a pedestal-looking thing and walked over to it. When the boy came, it started to shine blue and a slate plopped out from it. I backed away to give him some space. It was shining orange in some places, except on the eye placed in the middle of it, which shined in a blue colour. The boy looked at me and I looked back at him.

"That is a Sheikah Slate," The girl's voice said. "take it. It will help guide you both after your long slumber." He hesitantly got hold of the handle. Then he held it up so both of us could see it. The screen on it lit up and the same eye that was on the back of it plopped up. The pedestal folded itself again and went back to normal. A door opened on the right side of us. I walked into the next room to find three treasure chests. Opening the first one I found a well-worn dress in it, a pair of beaten-up shoes, and a belt out of fabric. The dress had a beige colour and rough edges. It looked really old and worn out, but I put it on nonetheless and tied the belt around my waist and the two brown worn-out shoes on my feet. 

"I think you should open the next chests," I said to the boy and pointed at the other two chests that were standing in the room in front of us. 

"Oh okay..." he said, a little hesitant, and walked forward.

He put on a pair of pants and a shirt that he got and looked at me. "Are you... Pika?" I stared at him and then at my own two hands. 

"Honestly, I don't know, I think so. I do not remember anything at all." I looked up at him as he hung the Sheikah Slate on his belt that came with the trousers. "Are you Link?" He nodded. "At least I think so, I'm not that sure either, to be honest." He chuckled. I spotted something behind him and walked past him. "Where are you going?"

"Hey look here!" I said and examined a pedestal that looked like the other one in the other room. Link ran up to me and looked at it.

"Hold the Sheikah Slate up to the pedestal. That will show you the way." The girl's voice said calmly. Link took the Sheikah Slate off his hip and placed it carefully on the pedestal which also lit up. A bigger door than before opened. Behind it was sunlight, as strong as ever. I looked up at Link in surprise. Then both of us walked to the side to look into what I thought was the next room. Link held a hand up to his eyes to shield them from the strong sunlight while I hid behind his shadow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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