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I have this friend named greed. 

He’s usually quite hungry, so I feed him parts of myself to fix it.

But i'm getting to the point where i'm running out of one on my kidneys, 

so it needs a fix.

So I wrote to the accountant, asking him for help.

“Give him some money, maybe that’ll fix it.”

So I tried it, giving him two nickels and one penny as a meal.

He spat them right out in my face. 

“If you're going to give me money, at least give me more.”

He told me.

So i never fed him wealth again,

Knowing I'd also run out.

Next I asked the gardener, who grew all sorts of plants.

“Just give him your leftovers, then he’ll be happy.”

So for every meal for two weeks i scraped off my plate,

And gave some to him.

But when i finished my meal because of my hunger,

He would rage and howl, “You never give me anything!” 

So I would just give him my meal.

But then i realized, i would never be able to eat

So that wouldn't work.

Then i asked the cat that sat on the street corner,

“Just make him get his own food.”

And so I let him out, and make him do it. 

But every night he’d come back empty handed.

And my heart all full of pity, would give him my own.

And fail to fix him.

I was running out of options, and he was only getting hungrier.

So in a last attempt, I wrote to the moon. 

“Give him my light, I'll never run out.”

So I pushed him out my door, and sent him off.

And I was free.

But even with all the food he could ever want, without harming one,

Without ever needing more.

He still decided 

To eat the moon.


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