The Start before the Carnage

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hi if you're reading this I published the first part of a little story me and my friend came up with, we'll be starting with one of our main characters her name is saint (my oc) I hope you enjoy :]

Pov: saint
i shake, trembling in my slik tattered robe, wondering where I am and what happened before I was dragged here by that beast

Scorn: OUCH! Hey!!

I'm so sorry I didn't me-*I look up to see the demon,he has black empty eyes and no hair, he was wearing a scarf at the bottom of his face*

( in case you're wondering what scorn looks like just know that he wears a cult outfit only instead he doesn't wear a hood he wears a scarf a red and black one.)

Who are u?Aren't you one of those angels?, asked scorn

Um..I-...uh n-no..I'm not, I'm a human

You are?

Mhm totally a human so I should just be on my way back home.

Wait!, You don't look like any human.The way you are dressed.......It's too.....Outdated...Most humans wear pants and shirts and other things but your wearing a robe.

*I gasp in offence* are you saying I'm not human just because if the way I dress

Well you look very holy, One could say very angelic like...Not many humans come around these parts Mostly just because of the rumors that have been spread around these parts as well, But that's a story for another time If you want I could take you somewhere nice..Somewhere very peaceful religious

Hm..I'm listening *I say out of curiosity*

What if I told you that there was a place where we are all as one and we will soon be brought out for something greater, A place that will carve all of our destinies into one set of stone. A peaceful ending for all of us But to be the perfect Saint some sin must be done Well lots of sin. The only in the name for our leader And I can take you to him...Would you like to go there now? :]

I don't know this all kinda sounds..... Demony But I've got nowhere to go so.. what the heck take me to this "sin"

Oh you already know his name! You must have heard of him,Well we shouldn't waste any time!

Let's go! *scorn grabs my hand and starts walking*

So they aren't going to like kill me right?

No we only do that to outsiders but you're invited so this is different.

Uh ok....
*he takes me to one of their campsites and  I see a banner. The banner is a smile leaking out blood through the crevices of its teeth* *as I also see other cult members mining pieces of an unknown ore that looks rainbowy like how gasoline reacts when you put light on it*

Scorn: Well we're here!

This is really the place?..I was expecting a more peaceful scenery

Well this is somewhat peaceful
*the other cult members all put their eyes on her*
Cult member: who is this?

Scorn: this is uh.....what's your name

*I can't tell them my real name, they will know somethings up* my name is uh.....stone
Scorn: this is Stone she is SiN's little guests.

Cult member: SiN  doesn't have any guests not that I've known of

Scorn: well you're not the second command are you? She's going to see SiN whether you like it or not now step out of the way!

Cult member: *growls* fine but no funny business Stone.

*I stick my tongue out at the cult member while giggling*

*he takes me to SiN's meditation room*
*I step into the Cult room and see a bunch of cult members surrounding SiN as he is floating with glowing eyes and his hair is floating in the air as they all start chanting this loud untelligible whispering*

*oh hell no this is some demon stuff, why did I agree to this)

Ehem. Oh master! I have a visitor for you!~~~~*The chanting stops and he lands on his feet creating a big shake in the room*

*no your going to get me killed, I thought to myself*

SiN:HeLlO tHeRe~~~~~
WhAt BrInGs u HeRe To My CuLt¿
U aRe VeRy QuIeT. PeRhApS I fRiGhTeN YuO¿¿¿ Hehehehehehehehehe~~~ oH yEs I dO~~~~

No...I'm not scared of....a-anything

I cAn SmElL iT, ThE sMeLl of FàêR

Well your nose must be wrong

SiN: scorn tell me why you brought a angel to our base¿

I'm not an angel...

Don't lie to me dear~ * he puts his hand under my chin*
Tell me why you're really here. *He twitches his neck and it makes a very uncomfortable cracking sound* I know You have wings, show them to me....

*I keep my mouth shut not uttering a word*

Quit being difficult and we can end this sooner

I don't know what your talking about.....

Look at me..LOOK AT ME¡
*I look to see the major size advantage he has over me*
Don't Make me hurt You...
Well¿ *Twitches* READY to TALK now¡¿¡¿


Welp that's the end of part one I don't know if I'll do this again I'll see if people read it and then maybe do the second part, even if I'll probably still do it cuz I'm bored

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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