Chapter 31

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The whole room felt tense while Carlisle was cleaning the baby up and clearing out her airways. Suddenly a loud baby cry filled the room and everyone let's out a breath.

"Why hello there my beautiful girl." Carlisle gushed, wrapping her in a blanket.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Esme exclaimed, breathing heavy.

The burning was getting worse. She wanted to scream but she had no energy left. She saw Carlisle turn around with their baby wrapped in a little pink blanket. She couldn't help but smile as a tear ran down her cheek.

Carlisle looked down at his beautiful daughter. Though she was nearly minutes old he knew she was going to look like Esme. His heart never felt more full, he felt like he could cry, if only he could.

"Mom?" He heard Edward's worried voice.

Looking up Carlisle's face still smiling he saw Esme laying there with her eyes closed.

"Esme? Esme, what's wrong?" He asked, rushing towards her.

"Dad, please let me." Rosalie stepped forward, reaching for her baby sister.

Handing his daughter over, he placed his hand on his unresponsive wife's neck. After running many tests in a matter of minutes he looked toward Edward. "What is she thinking?"

Carlisle watches as Rosalie put his daughter in a little crib in the corner of the room.

"She... is only screaming. Something is burning. Dad I think she is turning back into a vampire, but the way her thoughts are going, she is going through the change faster than the normal rate. Maybe a matter of hours, if that." Edward said, looking back at his mom.

Stroking her face, Carlisle couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He hated the fact he put her in pain a hundred years ago but for her to go through that same pain yet again, broke his heart.

"You were right." They all turned to see Tempus standing in the doorway of the fake hospital room. "The child is not here. I owe you an apology."

"Mistakes happen, I'm sorry your mission has failed." Carlisle stated, never taking his eyes off of Esme.

"I have not failed the mission, I will only need to improvise." Tempus stated, walking further into the room.

"What do you..." Carlisle finally looked up to see Tempus walking into the room.

"My mission is to bring a child back to the Volturi, a human child." He snarled, his face twisting into an evil grin.

"No!" Carlisle yelled, about to lung forward.

In a blink of an eye, Tempus ran over and grabbed Renesmee.

"Wait!" Edward screamed. "She's not fully human, she is half vampire, you can't take her!"

"Oh, I know. I am well aware of the half human, half vampire hybrid that was birthed into the Cullen coven, only I believe I heard it was you and your wife who had the baby, while she was still human." Tempus stated, the same evil smile painted on his face.

"What do you want?" Carlisle asked, afraid of the answer.

"I want a human baby, and from what I can hear, that child that was born is fully human. Give her to me!"


Carlisle lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Tempus, missing Renesmee. He has his arms wrapped around Tempus's center, causing him to fly back, hitting the ground. Renesmee took the opportunity to run to her dad, who grabbed onto her and turned to look at Jasper.

"Get her and Alice away from here!" He demanded.

"No, dad please come with me! I'm scared." Renesmee pleaded.

"I don't have time to argue."

"I got her." He heard Emmett calling from behind.

He ran and grabbed Renesmee before she could protest, with Rosalie right behind him.

"Please, come with me, you will be safer away from here." Jasper said, taking Alice's hand.

"I trust you." Alice smiled back, accepting Jasper's hand.

He turned and she jumped on his back as he rushed them down the stairs.

Edward turned back around to see his father had his hands wrapped around Tempus's center, Tempus was still on his back, struggling to get up.

"Give me the child!" He demanded.

"No, that is my baby girl, you need to leave my family alone!" Carlisle screamed, his voice echoing through the entire house.

Edward had never seen his father act so vicious. He held Tempus down, but had a hard grip on him, it started to leave cracks in his perfect skin. Tempus leaned his head back slightly and bared his fangs. Leaned down and plunged his teeth into Carlisle's shoulder.

Carlisle let's go of Tempus falling back in pain.

"Dad!" Edward called, running over to tend to his father.

"Now, let me grab what I came here for." Tempus announced victoriously.

Carlisle and Edward were both about to attack when they looked toward where Esme had been laying, to find the hospital bed empty. They looked around but found no trace of her.

Tempus begins reaching into the critic when he felt a heavy weight suddenly on his shoulders.

"Think again." Esme whispered in an angry voice. She had both feet on his shoulders, her hands underneath his chin, holding his chin like a bicycle strap on a kid's helmet. "You will go and leave my family alone. The Volturi's are used to disappointments."

"I vowed to them." Tempus started, his voice weaker then before.

Edward and Carlisle could see small cracks forming from Esme's grip.

"Now you can make a vow to us, to leave my family and Gracie's family alone!" Esme demanded.

Tempus tried to shake her off, but Esme was stronger. She held her body in the same exact position.

"I WILL TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER!" He yelled, his voice covered in rage.

"Over my dead body." Esme said, her mama bear voice engaged.

Without warning, Esme pulled with all her might and ripped Tempus's head off of his shoulders. She jumped down and watched his body fall to the ground before looking over to the crib and picking up her baby girl.

"Esme." Carlisle said, still in shock at what he just saw. "Esme, my dear are you alright."

Esme continued to look down at her beautiful baby girl.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine. Especially now that I am able to hold my baby girl." She cooed.

"Esme." He said again, causing her to look up. He saw her eyes were a deep, bright red. She was thirsty. "Esme, I believe you have turned yourself into a newborn vampire, which is where all your strength came from, but I know that also means you are incredibly thirsty. Please, come with me and we can go get a couple of deer."

Nodding Esme looked back down at her baby girl.

"Mom, I will take her." Edward smiled. "Let me get to know my new sister."

Esme smiled, and handed her baby over to her eldest son. She turned back to look at her husband.

"Ready?" He asked, reaching out his hand.

"Ready!" She exclaimed. "Ready to finally beat you in a race."

With that, they held hands and ran as fast as they could towards the woods.

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