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                                                                   Felix POV

It's a friday evening. I'm sitting in the livingroom of Chan, he invited me and some of our friends to come to his home. We just wanted to hang out and relax because we had a lot of exams this week. 

"Lets play truth or dare guys", Chan said as  he sat next to me. Everyone thought it was a good idea and so we started playing. 

When it was my turn, Minho asked me truth or dare. I said dare. After he was done speaking with the others he turned to me and looked me directly in the eyes.

"I dare you to text a random number", he said. I laughed, that was pretty easy. I expected something more difficult. 

I nodded. So I pulled my phone out and typed some random numbers in. As I was finished I texted the number. 



                                                                                                        How you doing?

After that, I put my phone away and it was my turn to ask someone else truth or dare. I asked Seungmin, he said truth. After some seconds, I got a question on my mind to ask him. 

"Have you ever been in love?", I asked. His eyes widened but he shook his head. "Love sucks. Like how can you fall with someone in love, who's gonna leave your life later again? That's just a waist of time", he said. 

Truth or dare -ChanglixWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt