Part 1 (Lynn's POV)

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The driver looked away, just for a moment, but suddenly, I only saw dark and heard sirens. I could barely breathe. A few hours ago, I was sitting on my cousin's couch playing with her dog, and now? A car crash. I can't believe it. I wouldn't believe you if you told me 3 years ago, I'd be in a car crash, i probably would've just looked at you weirdly, but here I am.

I could feel two people, maybe more, pick me up and put me on.... A bed? I think it's a bed anyway. Soon, I felt things go into my arms, legs, even my chest, and then, I could only hear people talking to me, for about, I don't even know anymore.

I tried to move my hand, there was someone holding it, I could feel that. My hand grips the hand holding mine, and suddenly, I open my eyes, to find a room full of nurses and a strange family.

"Aye! They're waking up! Get a doc!" A man's voice yells into the hall.

"Reed, shut up would ya?!" A feminine voice says next to me, I look up at her, looking at her badge. "Cora Walker" It reads. Cora then. Cora said that.

"Walker check their temp, get vitals up and running for me on the computer, stat." A different woman calls as she runs into the room "Hi honey, I'm Doctor Jackson."

As Ms.Cora is checking my vitals, I look around. What the heck is going on? This is nothing like how I remember the hospital system being. When did this happen? When did people start having guns in hospitals, like Doctor Jackson? When did my mom suddenly have brown hair? I mean, I guess she could've dyed it, but this looks natural. What's going on...? How long have I been out?

As all of these questions are going through my head, voices are yelling around me as I focus on the family in front of me. A woman, who I'm assuming to be my mother, with brown hair, she looks to be about 5'5", and in her mid 40's. A man, I'm guessing, my father, with black hair, and looking around, before he looks at a set of I'm assuming twins. He seems to be 6'5". The twins. A boy and a girl. Younger than 15, but older than 9. I'm guessing they're 10. Are these people my actual family?

"Ma..?" I manage to get out, glancing at the oldest woman with a questioning look.

"See! I told y'all she'd remember me being her momma!" The woman exclaims, before turning to the kids. "Now y'all go say hi to Lynn."

"Hi Ly!"

"Hi Sis!"

I hear at the same time. These voices don't sound familiar, I don't reconginze my own mom and dad, and let alone the twins. Could it be that I was kidnapped? Illegally adopted? What all has happened outside?!
Immediatly, I look outside after having that thought. I see war, fire, explosions, and...Spaceships? What the heck?! Is this "Voltron" season 8 or something? Is Lance fricking McClain going to show up here and go "Rosalynn Marie Stevens you are needed to form "Voltron" next? I can't believe what's happening right before my eyes.

"WHAT'S GOING ON OUT THERE? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE! THEY AIN'T MY MOM AND DAD!" I yell, pointing at the man and woman from before.

"Well, Honey, we are now. I don't care if you like it or not. We're your family now." The woman calmly explains, looking at me, her eyes black and glowing...

Wait...Black and glowing? Her eyes? I quickly look at the other's eyes. The only ones who look normal are the doctor and nurses, and even then there's a look of fear as they look over at the family that seemingly adopted me.

"Ungrateful child! We take you here, for the best medical treatment after you nearly die when this war started, and you disobey us?" The father yells, covering the twins' ears.

"Sir please...Rosalynn just woke up, we can't have anymore yelling.." Dr. Jackson says, very softly with her voice. "Walker, escort them out please?"

Cora stands, walking to my family and leading them out of the room. The older male is glaring at me, the woman is scowling, and the twins look like they want to come back, to grab and hug me. To call me their sister. They look like they've been abused their whole lives.

"Call me Luna....You've been out since October 31st, 2022. It's October 20th 2050 now...You're 15 but you arent. The coma stopped your aging, or at least, slowed it. I'm very sorry you've been forced to have them as a foster, but most humans are dead. I apologize...Auntie"

Jackson walks off, leaving me to my thoughts. 'Auntie'?! Surely Lun, My sisters kid, didn't have kids yet. She was just 8 months old when I was in the accident.... But if it's been 28 years...then... it could be her. I wouldn't put it past her mother to make her see to my aid. Luna Lynn Jackson... Seems like someone was named after me. Interesting, I barely see people with the name "Lynn" You know?

What in the world! The Human race? Almost all dead?! What the heck. There is no way. I honestly dont believe this. How could this be real? I can't believe any of this. I have to get out of here. 

   (Word count: 904)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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