The Gift and the Curse.

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Blood and violence (?) Warning! And to all of you wondering about the oneshot book- yes, its coming back- uh with nothing else to say, - enjoy//


Blood is universal.

Everything bleeds.





And even immortals.

The gods of heaven would deny it, but they know it's true. If you asked the underworld they sould hesitate.




"One, two, three." the Kind One grinned, twirling her fingers to match the numbers as the cub giggled, a memory, hazed an blue, the kind one sniffed as a cub continued the line, "Four, five, and six, and seven." with a chuckle the cub took notice, the cub was not dumb, they knew what was going on, they realized it after the thudding had stopped and the screams ceased. She heard it, saw it, smelled it, and even tasted it. The Shadows judged, the Rays of Light by the lamp stared, a memory hazed and blue, "Young one?" The cub payed no attention, she just clung to the egg she held slightly a pale look in her eyes, "who are you really?" The Kind One swallowed, shaking her head "whatever do you mean..? Im your caretaker" the shadows hissed and the rays remained quiet "can we go back up?" The cub asked, an irritated wag of her tail, alerting the Kind One " not yet" a memory, hazed and blue, hazed and red. The memory flicked, rhe cubs paws placed in a pool of blood as the egg rolled off into the distance, lies...lies lies..they were lying.

The eggs interior was there to see, a beast curled on the inside, and its fur soaked in blood, blood that didn't belong to them, but her sister herself.

The cub panicked, eyes wide with something we know as fear as the blood seeped through her body, she felt it, she felt every single thing in her body. Her heartbeat, her breathing, and the blood rushing through her veins, and even the gaping wound, with a metallic, red liquid seeping through.

"See clearly my dear" The Kind One smiled, the memory back in place as the Kind One kept on her painful emotions, placing her hand on the cubs cheek. She always had the nicest smile. The cub chirped slightly, twitching her tail. "What you hold may be what you dearly love," her smile broke down, her body melting into a cool pool of skin and blood, the droplets creating a sound, a melody, a symphony so sweet that it made the goal seem so far, so distant, so unreal.

The cub wrapped her tail around the egg, slightly raising their head, the Gift.

The egg showed a small sign of life, bundled in a curled ball when held up to the light, the Curse.

Tied together. The dance of the sun and moon, taunting Hell and Heaven itself, the dance so smooth and so fluent, stepping with each other, a true demonstration of difference and similarities, their creation a monster. Yet, it was just a memory, hazed and red.

The cub twisted through the trees of the forest, out running it's Tormentors, in her grasp held a rock, a small rock, "come on, it shouldn't take you this long.."

Her free hand grasped a wound on her side. She cut through the snow, cutting corners like a mouse in a secluded labyrinth, one with no goal and no end, avoiding obstacles that dare stop her.

Her tormentor flooded the trees with a blinding gas that would kill her immediately, she needed to get away. Yet, legs can only take a demon so far. The cub continued to run, looking behind her for a spilt second, only to forget her sense of direction and run into and obstacle, the cub cursed to herself, wnd the Shadows became tensed, the Rays of Light from the sun became restless.

The tormentor tackled the cub. Her eyes staring in horror as she clung to the egg, the sun glazing upon it, showing a morsel, the same species as the cub.

The tormentor gleamed at the sight of the two, his foolishness masking what truly hid behind the shadows of these trees, and what his behind the sun's Rays oh so beautiful.

Glimpse of the shadow and the Rays arranged infront of the tormentor, toying with him, playing mind tricks that even the prince Nata wouldn't approve. They spoke in languages of afar and near, taunting, teasing, and threatening the tormentor, until one thing laced his understanding, where it was to late to mark back. The Sun stuck his hand through the chest of the tormentor, his fur soaked in a red metallic liquid, a smile imprinted on his face as he snatched the heart within, still alive, and still beating. The Ray's smile ceased, the blood oozing down his fur, damping the golden fur. The Shadow's stare darkened, the heart slowing in beats. The Ray's spent no time, his muscles tensed, a bond chilling crunch, and it exploded. The cub stared wildly, a twitch in her eye.

The Shadow's a smile, yet he said nothing, simply just staring at the delightful creature in his palms, her body curled protectively around the egg. He purred slightly, disappearing with the shadows, and the cub.



Maybe blood is universal.

The gift and the curse will be the judge of that.

Their tails curled together, their judgment,

Your funeral.

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