Chapter 1

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Benedicts POV:

Sitting at my laptop with my black, two sugar coffee in my hand. Replying to emails and ignoring some, one read the subject "First rehearsal today" *sent an hour ago* I'm exited, I'm playing the character Major Jamie Stewart in this movie War Horse, one of the most exiting parts of acting is meeting other amazing actors along the way.

I have a quick shower and get dress into something casual, knowing I'll have to get changed into a costume anyway. I go over my lines while eating some toast,

"Gentlemen, it is an honor to ride beside you. Make the Kaiser rue the day he crossed swords with us. Let every man do himself, his king, his country, and his fallen comrades proud. Be brave" I mumble to myself, trying to get the tone and emphasis right.

I'm in my car and a few minutes later I reach my destination "Studio 8". I see a few recognizable actors such as Jeremy Irvine, I've seen him somewhere before, not sure what movie though. I make a left into the parking and see a sign saying "Reserved for Benedict Cumberbatch" on one parking spot. I walk towards everyone and I'm greeted by the director.

"Benedict! Hey, I'm Steven" The director with grey hair and circle glasses says holding his hand out.

"Nice to meet you, I love your movies, I've seen most of them" I say with a laugh, shaking his hand.

"Thank you, thank you" He says with a smile, his eyes trailing off behind me "Oh hey, have you met Tom?"

I turn around to see a handsome man with the most amazing smile.

"um, no, I haven't" I replied

"Tom over here!" Steven calls as Tom starts walking over "Id like you to meet someone"

"Tom" He introduces himself putting his hand out to shake mine.

"Benedict" I shake back, making contact with his bright blue eyes, i can feel myself getting lost in them.

"I love you in Sherlock! Great show" Tom complements with his enthusiastic personality.

"Thank you" I say with a big smile "I love you in Thor, I've seen it a few times actually" I laugh, Tom laughing back.

"Thanks" he says with his big smile, it's so distracting, and his jaw


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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