Chapter 24

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Caitlin was making her breakfast with the news playing in the background when a story caught her attention.

"Breaking news into Channel 52 news. Tech billionaire Kurt Weaver was killed this morning when the elevator in a high rise seemingly malfunctioned causing the elevator car he was riding in to fall twenty stories at a high rate of speed. CCPD is investigating."

Caitlin ran to her laptop and looked through the file on DeVoe quickly.

"Shit! He found another way to get his metas. Whether I want to or not I have to bring in the whole team."

She sent a text to Joe and Cisco asking them to Barry and Wally to S.T.A.R. Labs. She then grabbed a thumb drive and downloaded the DeVoe file poured her tea into a travel mug and puts her bacon and some cheese between the toast she made. Wrapped it up in a paper towel grabbed her purse and headed out to her car to make her way to S.T.A.R. Labs. When she arrived ten minutes later everyone was waiting for her. She puts her stuff down walked over to one of the computers and uploaded the file.

"While I was uh working with Savitar, I discovered he had this journal. Before you ask how it still exists is because it is written in what I can only describe as a time language or possibly the language of the Speed Force. I have a friend from college who is better with computers than Felicity. I won't tell you her name. But she is known in the cyber world as Oracle. She was able to write a program to translate the journal. Unfortunately it is a long process. But as she finished parts of it she has been sending them to me." Caitlin said

"What are you saying you now have information on how to stop crimes before they happen?" Barry asked

"I know who are big threat is. But first we need to stop the meta that killed Kurt Weaver. He was murdered. The murderer is going to go after Tim Kwon and Sheila Agnani next. The meta we are after is named Ramsey Deacon. He is calling himself Kilg%re."

"Why would Deacon target these people?" Joe asked

"Because the four of them developed some computer software and Weaver, Kwon and Agnani sold it for a boat load of money cutting out Deacon. Deacon now wants revenge. But the thing is he was not in Central City during the particle accelerator explosion. He was in Silicon Valley."

"So how did he become a meta?" Cisco asked

"I am not sure in this timeline. But I know that a man named Clifford DeVoe is behind it. But I can't prove it. That means that we can't go after him yet." Caitlin said

"How do we stop him?" Barry asked

"All I know is that Deacon's meta power is to control technology."

"Oh frack! That is not good! Barry's new suit I put a crap load of tech in it!" Cisco said

"So I wear my old suit to go after him." Barry said

"There is still some tech in it. I mean that is how we watch your vitals and don't forget about the com system." Caitlin said

"Can't you take out some of that tech?" Joe asked

"Yeah I will get on that." Cisco said

Cisco ran off. Joe headed back to CCPD. Wally headed to the Speed lab leaving Caitlin and Barry alone.

"Cait were you ever going to tell us about the journal?" Barry asked

"Yes. Barry, I was hoping Oracle would have more translated by now. I thought that I delayed DeVoe's plan. What he is planning is bad."

"What is he planning?"

"He calls it the enlightenment. He wants to reboot everyone on Earth's brain. While there would be some good things from it. Like no more violence. But it would also remove all emotion from everyone. Parents wouldn't love their children. Friends wouldn't care about each other. Everyone would also have the same simple intelligent, except for him. He would shape everyone to how he believes they should me. No more technology."

"Why is he doing this?"

"I don't know. Barry, I was going to tell you this but I wanted more information first."

"Is dark matter the only way metas can be created?"

"No. In fact my powers are proof of that. It is a long story that I don't want to get into right now. But my powers were given to me by my dad. His idea of curing me of possibly developing ALS."

"Oh wow that is uh different."

"Yeah. All these years I thought that my mom was the one that was the bad parent never being there for me. Turns out my dad was using experimental gene therapy on me."

"It will be okay Cait. Maybe there is a therapist on Kara's Earth you could talk to."

"Yeah uh that's okay."

"If you are sure. Cait, just in case this DeVoe used dark matter to make Deacon a meta is there any way we can possibly scan for a dark matter release?"

"Yes. We use the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to scan for releases of dark matter and when it happened. From what little I have seen he is going to need multiple metas each with a very different power."

Caitlin sat down at one of the computers and begins to type away. After a few minutes Caitlin pulled up her results.

"Okay yesterday morning at 8:42 in the morning there was a release of dark matter on the 405 bus. There were twelve heat signatures on the bus."

"So we are looking for eleven more metas?"

"Yeah. I am going to call my friend to see if she has had any luck finding out the other names."

"Okay. Cait, just remember you don't have to do this alone. I am here for you."

"Thanks Barry. I should go make that call."

Caitlin walked into the med bay and shut the door. She pulled out her phone and called Oracle at her work number.

"Wayne Enterprises how may I help you?"

"Barbara Gordon please. Tell her it is Dr. Caitlin Snow."

It only took a moment to have the call transferred.

"This must be important. Lucky for you I have a secure line." Barbara said

"It is Barb. DeVoe found another way to create the metas he needs for his plan. We are working on tracking down Deacon."

"I am sending the names of six more of the people named in the journal. One only known as the Weeper and his sole purpose seems to be for DeVoe to control his wife. I hate to say this but you might need to have Amunet Black find him for you."

"Thanks Barb."

Caitlin hung up and walked back out to the cortex and opened the email that Barbara sent her.

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