Chapter 31-The One with the Home Birth

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Half and half later.

Ross was talking to the paramedic on the phone. He had been getting instructions on how to deal with the labor. First they had gotten Monica out of her wet clothes. She then sat on the couch as Phoebe and Rachel re-made her bed. Monica and Chandler were now sitting on their bed. Joey brought over some towels and warm water. Everyone was doing whatever Ross told them.

Alright. Um Monica how far apart are your contractions? Ross asked his little sister.

Ten seconds. She replied

Chandler, who had been timing each contraction looked over at Ross.

One minute. Chandler said, correcting Monica.

Monica groaned as Ross went back to the phone.

What? Ross asked the parametric.

What, what? Monica demanded

Um... you have to... uh. Ross stuttered

Damn it Geller, what? Phoebe said, grabbing Ross' shoulders.

Monica, you have to start pushing. Ross said

No... I-I can't. Monica said

You can do this, Babe. Chandler. Just remember all those lameze classes.

Those classes teach you how to breath, Chandler. Not deliver a baby! Monica snapped at her boyfriend.

Wait... who's going to deliver the babies? Rachel asked

I'm not doing it. Ross said. That's my sister. It's too weird.

Phoebe should do it. Monica said suddenly.

What? Everybody asked

Well I-I want Ch-Chandler by my side. Monica said through the pain. Ross c-can't because he's my brother. I don't feel com-comfortable with Joey being down... there. So it's either Rachel or Phoebe.

Well why not me? Rachel asked

No offense Rachel, but Phoebe is a little tougher than you. I'm sor-sorry. Monica said

I don't know. Phoebe said

Look, Pheebs. I know that we're asking a lot here. Chandler said. But we really need your help. Please, please help us deliver our children.

Phoebe looked at the couple on the bed. Then she looked at her other friends. Each one of them were still in shock.

Okay. Phoebe said. I'll help.

Thank you. I love you. Monica said

Ten minutes later.

Monica was sitting up on her bed with Chandler sitting behind her, holding her hands. Phoebe was at the end of the bed ready to deliver the babies. Joey and Rachel were at either side of Monica, trying to comfort her and Ross was standing to the side talking on the phone.

Okay. Phoebe can you see a head? Ross asked

Yes, I can see it. Phoebe exclaimed

That means it's time to push. Ross told Monica.

Monica pushed with all her might. She cried as she pushed.

One more push, Monica. Phoebe said

I can't. Monica said, shaking her head. It's too hard.

Sweetheart. You can do this. Chandler said

He squeezed her hands and kissed her temple.

I love you. Monica whispered

I love you too. Chandler said. Now are you ready to push? He asked

She nodded and pushed with all she had.

Suddenly the room was filled with a baby's cry.

We have a girl! Phoebe announced excitedly.

Phoebe lifted the baby up for her parents to see. Monica and Chandler looked at their daughter in awe.

We have a daughter. Chandler said happily.

Wow you guys. Rachel sighed

She's beautiful. Joey added. And covered in really gross stuff.

Cut the cord. Ross said

Joey grabbed the scissors that Ross had gotten and cut the umbilical cord.

Rachel come here. Ross said

Rachel went over to Ross and he told her to take the baby and cleaned her up. Rachel did as she was told. Ross stood next to her and talked her through each step.

Meanwhile, Phoebe instructed Monica to push again.

Soon they heard another cry.

We have another girl! Phoebe yelled

Another girl. Monica repeated breathlessly.

Wow. Chandler said

The couple looked at their second child. Their daughter. Again Joey cut the cord and Phoebe handed the baby over to Rachel to clean up. Phoebe took the first baby and wrapped it in a baby blanket then Rachel did the same with the second child.

Once Rachel was done she handed the baby to her parents. Phoebe did the same with the other one.

Monica held a baby in each arm and Chandler leaned over her and grabbed held her around the waist.

Hey there. Chandler whispered to his new twin daughters.

They're perfect Chandler. Monica said

Congratulations you guys. Rachel said

All their friends gathered around the couple and looked at the new family in awe.

We have two daughters. Chandler said. Thank you.

No. Monica sighed. Thank you.

Monica leaned back slightly and kissed the love of her life as she held their children in her arms.

I love you Monica. So much. Chandler said

I love you too, Chandler. Monica replied.

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