Chapter 2-Free The Fairies' Day

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Storybrooke, Library - Present

A furious growl escaped Ruby as the clipboard came crashing down onto the library floor. Happy and Belle, who had been occupied with the computer and several other large books that were stacked around the counter, jumped at the she-wolf's sudden outburst.

"Hey!" Belle cried out, not particularly happy with her friend's behavior.

Happy sprouted his wings and flew over to Ruby's side, already used to such displays of anger. Whilst the exceed might not know the woman all that well he was used to Emma's famous temper. She wasn't a fire dragon just because it was her element.

"Well." Happy begins, helping the brunette collect the scattered items. "I see that you still have that temper of yours."

The she-wolf huffed, but had the decency to at least look guilty.

"Sorry." She muttered, sparing a concerned look in Belle's direction. "I'm just tired of things not going my way. It's been two months and still nothing. We don't know how to help the fae and at the pace we're working we never will."

"Look." Happy lifted the clipboard back up as he floated to eye-level with Ruby. "I know that you're still frustrated about the wolf pack that you went looking for and that you couldn't find a trace of them. I'm sorry, I really am, but you can't snap like that." The feline then lowered his voice so that Belle wouldn't hear him. "She's still recovering from a lot of stuff that Mr. Rumple put her through. So, be gentle."

A sigh escaped Ruby and she drooped her shoulders. "I know."

She then nodded her head determinedly and turned back towards the clipboard.

"I'm sorry." Ruby muttered again. "I'm just sick of dead ends."

The redhead nodded her head, a sigh of her own escaping her lips. She too felt as Ruby did, but she knew that if they give up hope then Mother Superior and the other fae truly would be trapped in the hat forever.

"I know." Belle agreed. "But we just have to keep at it. We will find a spell to release the fairies. Emma's notes have already helped immensely and I've translated at least half of the texts already. And I've reached out to some of the finest minds in the world, and one of them will get back to us."

"Yeah." Happy added, flying back over to where he had been seated with one of Emma's journals. "I'm sure that Em and I documented the hat somewhere in one of these things, and once we find it I'm sure that we'll be that much closer to fixing all of this."

Ruby huffed as she rolled her eyes. She was particularly bitter today for some or other reason. Like Mary Margaret she was one of the most hopeful people that one could meet, but after dead end after dead end after dead end her "hope" supply was dwindling and evaporating rather quickly. She's never liked Mother Superior or the other fae before because of how they viewed her; a beast, a creature of darkness, but that didn't necessarily mean she wanted them all trapped inside the Sorcerer's hat for as long as they had been.

"I hope that you're right." Ruby sighed.

"I am." Belle declared firmly. The redhead turned the page of a book before a thought then struck her. "Wait, shouldn't Hook be helping us with this? He is partly responsible even if Rumple had his heart."

"The pirate took off three weeks ago." Happy informed without even glancing up from his book. "Something about nothing tying him to Storybrooke and that the town was a bore, or something. I wasn't really paying attention because Emma and I were too busy betting on when and where he would sink his ship. I said he wouldn't make it halfway across the Atlantic."

"I said that he would at least make it to Cape Town, South Africa and then he'd run the Jolly Roger aground."

Belle rolled her eyes at her friends' antics.

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