Chapter 3-What's Killing Property Values Now?

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Granny's was in full celebration as it always was after yet another victory for the good guys. The jukebox was blaring loudly, the fae was reuniting with the townspeople, everyone was conversation and eating, and it seemed that all was well in the small town of Storybrooke, Maine. However, as everyone was in the celebration mood, Emma was by the bar bouncing her leg impatiently.

Every now and then the dragon would glanced back to where Happy, Henry and Regina were now conversing with Mother Superior about the books that they had found in the Sorcerer's mansion.

Ruby stood across from her at the counter pouring her a cup of coffee whilst discreetly adding Fire Whiskey to the drink. She was frowning at her friend with concern clear in her eyes as she tried to decipher whatever was going on inside Emma's head. So far her luck had not been great at reading her best friend.

Finally, Emma turned back towards the brunette and reached for her coffee. "Stop staring at me like I set your den on fire. Spit it out already."

The dragon tilted the coffee back and begins to consume every last drop in one go.

"Something on your mind, Em?" Ruby questioned worriedly. "You seem distracted."

"I had a bad feeling about today." The dragon wiped her mouth and looked guiltily up at the blue-eyed beauty. "I still haven't paid the price."

The she-wolf frowned in confusion. "You mean when you used the time spell without permission?"

Emma sighed as she bobbed her head. "I've been procrastinating."

A look of disbelief past over Ruby's face.

"By which you mean that you've been ignoring the Gods instead of just womanning up?" The she-wolf brought her hand up to her forehead as her eyes widened. "Oh God, Em. Are you out of your mind?"

"I know!" Emma grimaced. "Things have just been going so good with Regina and with Savannah, and I didn't want Regina to think that I'm a screw-up and... and..." The dragon dropped her head. "I fucked up didn't I?"

The waitress nodded.

"Yeah. You did." Ruby leaned forward on the counter as she gives Emma a sympathetic look. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I have to come clean to Regina." Emma sighed, reaching up to rub the back of her neck. "Then, I don't know... Happy and I will have to burn an offering. I'll be sent on quest, no doubt about that."

Ruby nodded in understanding.

"I'd offer to go with, but Belle needs me right now. Mulan's still settling into the new job and she isn't going to want to be away so soon." The she-wolf paused as she considered her options. "Belle and I'd be happy to babysit your kid. I mean, I'm not overly great with them, but Belle would be swell."

The dragon huffed out a breath, then nodded. "Thanks, Rubes. I'll, uh, keep that in mind."

Emma turned on her heels and begins to make a beeline for Mother Superior's table. She plopped herself next to Regina, interrupting the conversation between her and the leader of the fae.

Henry frowned immediately at the look on her face from where he sat next to Blue, whilst Happy picked up on Emma's particularly foul mood by just reading the waves of magic radiating off the dragon. The exceed lowered his fish and begins to glance between the members of the table and his companion from his seat against the wall.

"Ma." Henry declared cautiously. "Are you okay?"

The dragon nodded and forced a smile. "Yeah, no, I'm peachy. What'd I miss?"

Happy, Henry and Regina all shared uneasy looks by the answer, but given that they were in company they couldn't address it for the time being.

"I was just telling Regina and your son that the Author would have left hidden clues in some of his work as to where he might have gone." Blue answered, offering the Savior a small smile as though she were trying to please the powerful creature.

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