Chapter 4-Emma Begrudgingly Does The Mature Thing

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Emma's had experience with a lot of women being mad at her. It wasn't as though she wanted them to be, but it was simply in her nature to do stupid things. The list could go on and on and on, but now was neither the time nor did she have the professional experience to get into that psychological issue.

It was safe to say that Regina was upset.

Perhaps pissed was a better word.

The older woman had barged into her office without so much as a word to Emma, leaving the blonde to nervously close the door behind them to place some barrier between them and the outside world.

Boy, was she glad that she told Happy to go with Belle and Ruby.

Regina stared towards the window, hands on her hips as she fumed. All that needed to happen now was for smoke to come out of the brunette's ears and then Emma could determine just how furious her girlfriend was.

"Regina." Emma begins tentatively, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other in the middle of the room. "Gina, would you please just say something? The suspense is killing me."

The sorceress whirled around on her heels and fixed Emma with a nasty glare that made her wish that she had been the one to go with Belle and Ruby instead of Happy. Emma swallowed thickly as she nervously pressed her two forefingers together and begins to twiddle with them nervously.

It was then that Regina strode towards Emma, her heels clicking loudly through the office as her eyes never left the blonde. She then reached out, grabbed ahold of Emma's belt and proceeded to fiddle with the object in order to free it. Emma rose a confused eyebrow as she watched a look of concentration pass over her girlfriend's face.

"Uh..." Emma titles her head to the side. "What are you doing?"

"Securing our relationship." Regina informed in a tone that said it should have been obvious. "You're not... you're not galvanizing through time without doing so first. I refuse to remain here while you go off to God knows where with God knows who and making me worry that you won't remain faithful."

The dragon's eyes widened in shock as she tried to escape her girlfriend's grabby hands. "Whoa! Wait, wait, wait!"

She took a step backwards which caused Regina's hands to slip from her belt. She then took off towards the couch and stepped behind it to place a barrier between herself and Regina.

"Clearly." Emma reached a hand out in an effort to mentally stop Regina from rounding the furniture. "There's some issues there and I would first like to address that. We also have the issue of the Chernabog, in case you've forgotten, that needs to be handled."

"We can't very well do anything without the facts or with everyone still on the streets." Regina hissed, moving around the couch to reach the blonde.

Emma on the other hand moved to where Regina had been standing in a moment earlier, keeping the barrier between them so they could continue their conversation.

"And we have some time before. Will you just stand still!" The sorceress stomped her foot impatiently and then gripped the back of the couch. "You are acting like a child!"

Emma stared at her with a flabbergasted expression. She slowly begins to lift her hand to her chest as she pointed towards herself.

"I'm-I'm acting like a child?" The dragon questioned in disbelief.

"Yes!" Regina hissed. "It's just sex, it's not the loss of your innocence or anything so dramatic. Given that you have two children it's safe to say that you know the logistics of it."

The dragon felt as though she had been hit in the back of her head and now she had woken up in some alternate reality. Momentarily, she tried to remember if she had hit her head somewhere during the fight, but deep down she knew that the hell-beast hadn't landed a single blow on her and neither Regina for that matter.

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