Chapter 5-Waiting For Everything To Go To Hell

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Storybrooke, Blanchard Loft - Recent Past


Mary Margaret could feel an age old knot begin to form in her stomach. Emma's words that had been meant to reassured her accomplished the opposite of what they had intended to do.

From across the kitchen counter she could see David frowning at her with concern in his eyes, but she couldn't address it with the cellphone still pressed to her ear. After Emma had informed that she would need to leave again, the woman had been unsettled and worried. Now, the fear and anguish that she had felt was multiplied ten over.

"Okay." The pixie haired woman pursed her lips and tried to calm her nerves. Just enough so that Emma wouldn't think anything was wrong on her end. "Be careful. Both you and Regina."

She hung up the phone and as she looked up into David's eyes, the knot only worsened.

"They found a way to stop the beast."

David leaned forward on the counter, still oblivious to the turmoil that was going on inside of his wife.

"Well, that's great." The prince's frown deepened as a hesitant look passed over his handsome features. "Why aren't you smiling?"

"Because Cruella and Ursula. Were here, and they've going to be back."

That statement gained the reaction that the woman had been looking for. David's eyes widened as realization dawned on him.

Storybrooke, Main Road - Present

Regina Mills had never imagined that she would ever be driving her girlfriend's yellow bug. It was what one would plainly call a metal coffin on wheels. If she were so lucky, it would be made of metal instead of the tin that she predicted that it was.

The roars of the Chernabog in the distance only seemed to encourage her and the sick feeling that festered in her stomach. For the first time in her long life, she didn't want to die. She didn't want to leave Henry, didn't want to leave Savannah and she definitely didn't want to leave Emma.

God, did she love Emma. It was either a constant throbbing of want that consumed her entire being or it hurt so much that she couldn't function. Like she had told Emma earlier, the woman was a part of her happy ending, and she truly hoped that she was a part of the blonde's.

Sighing, Regina glanced around at the bug's interior, then at the hideous paint job tented to the horrid creation. Whilst she truly did love Emma, her tastes were at best questionable. The woman wore clothing that had everyone ogling at her wherever she went. The sorceress could only imagine what it must have been like in the Enchanted Forest. The mere thought brought a scowl to the former queen's features. Then there was the precious bug with its boldly chosen of yellow.

Regina sighed. "What on earth made her choose yellow?"


The sorceress nearly overturned the car at the sound of Emma's voice ringing in her mind.

She hesitated for a moment, then found herself insane enough to moronically ask. "Emma?"

"What's wrong with the color of my bug?"

"Where. Where are you?"

As though on cue, a roar tore through the air, making Regina swerve the car once more. She could recognize that majestic sound in her sleep. If the sorceress had the time to swoon then she most likely would have.

"Where do you think, sweetheart? Pissing off this accursed thing so that he'll rather follow me than you at the last moment. We gotta time this thing right, I'm not letting you die today."

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