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Lady Detrimescu was sitting calmly in the garden when she heard a window shatter. One of her daughters went flying through the window, landing in a flower bed with an "Oof!" Then, there was a loud thud that made them jump. Ear-splitting roars were heard. Lady Detrimescu rushed in to see a hunched-over white dinosaur. It was...fucking a giant dinosaur-like creature with a black striped pattern on its body and a steel collar around its neck. The creature's wing-like forearms gripped the dinosaur's clawed hand, which was holding up the tail and giving his gargantuan sex easy access to the striped creature's asshole. They both let out roars as the dinosaur climaxed. He then doubled over as his muscles and bones popped and morphed. The thing shrunk and changed into a naked human with scaly, clawed, white hands, a long, white tail, and a mane of blonde hair. The other, however, didn't change. "You okay, babe?" The boy asked, picking up a pair of ripped blue jeans. The creature let out a weak note and looked at his mate for a moment before its head hit the floor again with a thud. "Oh, you just need a minute or two? Take your time."


The two finally turned to see Lady Detrimescu standing there with a flushed face. "Are you two done?"

"...Just about," The blonde said after a pause to zip up his pants. The thing was changing now, into a skin-and-bones boy with a striped pattern on his face. His shaggy black hair was topped with a beret, and his yellow eyes were like two stars in a night sky, contrasting the rings around his eyes that resembled empty eye sockets. He threw a gray jacket around himself as his long, striped tail passed his blonde mate a pair of wooden sandals. His own were in shreds. "Damn, ripped my shoes." He awkwardly smiled at Lady Detrimescu, adjusting his beret. "Sorry about the noise. We'll keep it to a dull roar next time."

Next time?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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