
13 2 5

Feng Yi was breathing in the stench of smoke and grime. He would never get used to the foul metallic smell of blood that climbed up his nostrils as he wiped the blade of his knife. He craned his neck to the slight whimper of wind that forced its way through the crack of the alleyway he had holed himself in.

'I s-spilled the t-tea,' he stammered the code for finishing his missions, under his breath. He flopped to his side, breathing heavily. He could feel the rough red bricks of the alley wall on his back. He breathed out heavily, trying to steady his breath, his hands caressing the wounds on his shoulders. The alleyway had been too narrow for him and the flesh on his shoulders had ripped on the spiked cemented walls as he dragged the corpse inside to hide it. His hands were visibly shaking, his blood encrusted nails disgusted him.

He disgusted himself.

'When will this end?' He exhaled, dropping his hands to the side. He picked up his Kurkis knife again, the warm red liquid splattered over his palm was beginning to coagulate, its stickiness made squelching sounds as he twirled the knife in his palm intermittently. He traced its curved blade hypnotically, trying to calm his heart. He had caused the man before him too much pain, but he was only following orders, for he knew his father was watching from somewhere. No matter where Feng Yi went, he knew his fathers' amber eyes would follow him, observing his every move.

'You've done well, as always,'

As expected, his father's voice drew in through the small alleyway. Feng Yi flinched visibly. He could hear him stride down the narrow passageway. There was suddenly enough space to accommodate his wide stance, as if the walls themselves shivered under his penetrating gaze and shied away.

'Father, please. This is the last one. I cannot do this anymore.' Feng Yi said as he looked at the face of the man who had brought him up. Under the shadow of the black cape, Feng Yi could see a crawling smile. The same shiver he felt so many years ago when he saw those amber eyes, crept up his spine again.

He really couldn't endure this anymore. The knife fell from his grasp and clattered on the cracked gravel before him.

Feng Yi was on all fours, 'Just let me go please.' Tears were streaming down his face, washing off the dried specks of blood that had blotted his tanned skin 'I beg of you, please' he whimpered as his father crouched down and said,

'A man who kills for freedom, does his best in the hopes it will be his last.' His father patted his head and continued,

'I have another mission for you, and that, will be your last.'

Feng Yi's breath hitched. How could he have ever yearned for comfort from this man? How could he expect comfort from a man who wanted to pour blood on his hands?

He swallowed back the emotions that were stuck in his throat and then straightened his shoulders, sitting up,

'Yes, Sir' He replied stoically, discreetly wiping the remaining moisture in his eyes as his father inspected the corpse behind him. Turning its lolling head one side to the other.

'I think you killed the wrong person, Yi'

'That's impossible'

'Come see for yourself' Feng Yi's stomach dropped. Dread creeped up all the way from his stomach to his heart. He was suddenly breathing too fast, his heart beat too erratically. He walked over to inspect the corpse. No matter how he saw it, it was exactly as the profile that was sent to him.

'But I followed the profile you sent me... I ...' He stammered, did he get it wrong somehow, did he take this man's life without a reason or cause? Did this man have children waiting for him to come back home...-

'Just kidding' his father laughed, a sadistic grin, of having power to control the emotions of those around him, spread across his face.

'You bastard.' Feng Yi fell to his knees; it took all his remaining strength to control the anger that burned in him. It made him sick to the stomach.

'You always fall for it, Little Yi' he said and patted him on the head. Feng Yi stood in place, enduring, abiding, burning.

'Your last mission is a quick one, only half an hour long. You'll love it, I'll guarantee it' His father squeezed Feng Yi's shoulder and walked down the crumbling dark path to the world outside.

Feng Yi wrapped his arms around his body. His stomach was churning is unease and nausea. He then keeled over, retching all over his feet.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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