A world of Sorcery

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Robin woke up in 1481 in his cold matress in a his usual house, after visiting the ministry of Elgard (which was a kingdom Robin lived in) Robin was rejected mutliple times. He had to do everything by Himself like money, food, and even a job. His parents were dead so Robin hand no choice. After what seemed like a million time Robin finnaly got accepted on a trip to relocate and find a criminal named Freljord who worked for Moors stalker who was a evil sorcery. He was tired and sweating and wished he brought water after realizing it would be a long trip. Thankfully he took a white horse which belonged to the guards heading to Mundarg another smaller village, he was panting with views of mountains coming up in every direction. It was already getting dark when Robin finally noticed houses and chattering on the east, after he parked his horse Robin decided to grab a few snacks and was searching around the creepy alleys of the village. Robin noticed one particular villager who looked like he didn't want to be followed. He was looking behind his him and cautiously aware, Robin followed the suspicious man into a little hut half the size of the other buildings with old stone, there were mirrors and weird artifacts for sale, Robin opened the door and with a creak Freljord looked back, he looked very similar from the description, Robin turned back and ran immediately straight to his horse on the pathway and rushed back to his village to meet up with the minister and tell him Freljord plans and where he was. It was a long and stressful journey; it was rocky and very bumpy. When he arrived at the monument he told everything to the Minister. The minister gave a look kind of like "Are you lying? " I shall send my men'' the minister went downstairs and yelled a command to the guards in the lobby . Immediately 24 of the soldiers rushed to the village with black and white horses riding for a long ride along hills and forests. It was night and there were cries of owls and werewolves who were yes creatures. Once they had reached Mulgard, they scanned the areas. The citizens looked like they thought they were stupid going through random alleyways until finally finding a hut. Then a little rat came to one of the guards. " Awww... He's so cute! " said the guard who was petting the rat. " Vern! We have to stay focused! Commands from the minister! " yelled the commander of the guards. Although they tried they couldn't find a trace of Freljord, they thought maybe he ran away or something like that. But no, Freljord was still here and when the guards left Robin was the only one . A little rat looking at Robin shockingly transformed into a fully grown man. "He He He, Robin you will never! " He was Freljord only transfigured into a rat to hide from the guards. " Now I shall finish you! " Just at that moment Robin seized Freljord wand before he could cast a spell they were now both on the ground. " Give It Back! " screamed Freljord. The two fell to the ground. " you won't escape," said Robin in a desperate voice. Robin amazingly broke Freljord wand just in time. " I will get you, mark my words boy" said Freljord, 2 seconds later he transformed into a rat and ran off into a berry bush and was squealing. Robin rushed to the minister with the evidence and showed it to him. The minister grabbed his glasses and was astonished! " Very good job boy! I shall now give you 500 galileons! " said the minister. A weird looking guy reading magazines looked at Robin then came over, took him outside and whispered something in his ears. " Do I know you?" said the man. Robin looked at the man and asked him if he could introduce him to magic. The man said yes and took him to his place.  The first spell I will demonstrate to you is a spell called "scutum contego"" ever heard of it? Well this spell is used for protection against other dangerous spells. Of Course you must say it clearly." said the man. By the way my name is Theodore. Well what are you waiting for, wands at the ready! " Robin took out the wand Theodore gave him. " Scutum Contego! " shouted Robin, instead of the shield his hair sticking up and his face all burnt. " Come tomorrow " said Theodore. Robin walked out, his face had burns with his hair looking like he got electrocuted. He had nightmares about Freljord and was worrying about the faith of the village. Robin read his book all on Scutum Contega once he woke up. He felt cheerful the next day going to Theodores place to practice magic. Day by day he slowly got the hang of it. Even his peers started watching him closely. One day one boy named Winston Ballard came marching towards Robin's direction. Behind him was his gang. " time to teach you a lesson " said Winston as he curled lips and took out his wand. " That's enough, boys " said Theodore watching from a distance " Exarmare' ' shouted Theodore, Winstons wand flew away from his fat hands and banged off the wall to the ground. At that instance Winston's dad came marching across a building. " Well, Well well if it isn't Theodore Noble. '' said Winston's dad. He was wearing a black shiny robe. " What do you want! " said Theodore. Before Wilfrid can even speak Robin and Theodore came into their usual building. Theodore went to Robin and said " He is a big supporter of the Moors Stalker. Let me introduce you to my three kids and my wife. They went to a room with a big table with 3 kids sitting on the end and a woman at the front. " I am home! " said Theodore. '''' Father, who is he? '' said one of the children. " I'm Robin," said Robin. " Me and his dad were friends a long time ago," explained Theodore. " How was work. dad? " asked the oldest child. '' Good, good, although the ministry lobby was a little crowded, but still good". Theodore worked for the minister as the administrator of ancient artifacts. " Of course I don't blame you, dear," said Phoebe to Robin, the wife. She was a woman in her 50s with a nice smile and curly hair coming down to her. " After all you have gone through rough times Theodore has told me. " The next day when Robin was outside, he noticed a rat exactly like Freljords! He followed the rat out of the village leading to what looked like a destroyed castle. Robin noticed it was a trap. The rat ran away under the stone! Robin saw council members fighting moors stalkers guards. They were using all sorts of dangerous spells. Robin was eager to help out the council members. Immediately he took out his wand and his sword and got one guy on the ground to later be arrested and sent to prison. The evil soldiers spotted him " GET HIM '' ! The commander said. " Occidere! ", Robin dodged the spell and hid under a rock. Theodore noticed Robin and took him behind his back for cover. " What did I say about wandering across the lands?!". " I'm sorry " said Robin as his hair was swinging everywhere as the evil guards were desperately fighting. Robin took out his sword and slashed it in the air scaring multiple evil guards to fall off and become injured. " CODE RED, I REPEAT EMERGENCY EVACUATION". Shouted the commander. He was now gathering his troops and retreating to the scenery. "Get back to the village IMMEDIATELY! Screamed Theodore. Robin rushed back to the village panting in fear and then stopped by a library and decided to pick a book he can read. He noticed a sign saying restricted section, he was curious to know what kind of books were lurking in there. He used a spell Theodore taught him " Alohomora," said Robin. The lock opened, it was dark and dusty but Robin was determined to see what they were. He grabbed a book titled The story of Calypso and his quest, he picked up the heavy book and hit it behind him carrying it home. He was reading it nonstop. Robin noticed a few magazines stuck to the pole outside through the window. The next day Theodore brought Robin to his work and introduced a man named Connolly, he was a young man with a sharp pointy nose. " Ah Mr. Robin, come in come in," said Conolly.

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