santa, baby

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kirishima was 15 years old in his first year of UA, he had grown up in the foster care system so he was more thrown around than actually parented. he still believed in santa so he still wrote, it might sound ridiculous but it's what he had always been taught.

actual start: "hey man!" eijirou threw an arm around his grouchy boyfriend who was currently microwaving leftovers in the empty common room. "hey shitty hair, what'd you fuck up now you need my help fixing?" he grunted not bothering to look up at eijirou as he nudged him away and eijirou returned to simply standing since he wasn't in the mood to mess with katsuki. "uh.. i was about to mail my letter to santa, want me to bring yours?" he looked at him and katsuki snorted. "hah?? stupid, he's not real." he shook his head with a snicker as eijirous heart shattered in front of his eyes. he could see the slight hurt as eijirou slid the envelope into the garbage "oh, k then, i was messin' with ya anyways, see you whenever" he said turning to leave just to deal with his thoughts. had he seriously been lied to for the last 15 years? he went back to his dorm and katsuki couldn't have been bothered, but there was something poking at him in his mind to go check on eijirou. maybe 30 minutes later he snapped and did. eijirou was staring out the window watching how the frosted, barren trees blew in the wind. "oi, shitty hair, were you serious earlier?" he said plopping on the edge of his bed, sitting the tray of food on the table next to him and slipping into bed with him. eijirou shrugged not paying him any attention and just stared out the window. this of course pissed katsuki off "god, you're in a mood" he grunted getting up and taking the food with him. he left eijirou with his thoughts and eijirou simply went to bed. it was only maybe 5 pm but he was just too upset to deal.

timeskip to the next morning

katsuki had been worried about eijirou, but it was an odd feeling since katsuki bakugou lived for katsuki and katsuki only. if eijirou wanted to waste away in his room whatever, his choice. he came in to find eijirou asleep still and he shook him "hey, shitty hair. get up. gotta talk to you." he grunted and shook eijirou and began to roughly tap his cheek. he woke up "mm.. whas' wrong babe?-" he blinked and sat up looking at katsuki "i wanted to talk to you about yesterday. i was being a dick or whatever, but why were you so damn upset?" he asked impatiently. "ah.. i still believed but i guess it is kinda stupid now that i think about it" he shrugged and looked down at his thighs still waking up. katsuki pulled him into a hug. okay what the fuck was going on? eijirous love language was touch and words of affirmation but he was used to being pushed around and his affection being refused this was weird. he hugged back extremely confused as katsuki sighed "it's not stupid, you couldn't have known ei."

katsuki held eijirou as he cried for a little bit and thanked him. they went on to have a good day and they went on a date too

the end

(yayayay i finished it, word count 571)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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