Wishing You Were that 1%

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A/N: An entry for the Hiddles Drabble held by @THiddlestonFanficRec
It's my first time writing in the second-person narrative :) Hope you like it!! xx


"Damn." You breathe, eyes darting between the tiny words on the wrinkled instruction in your sweaty hand and the two sticks that are carefully placed on the counter. Yes, two because you need to be absolutely sure. You even get two different brands. You made a secret trip to Boots two days ago when your suspicion arose, and you already took a test yesterday. But these things are only 99% accurate. You can never know, right?

Knock knock.

"Hey!" You call out, sounding all squeaky and panicky.

"Hey," Tom replies from the other side of the door.

"You're back early!" He's usually back around half an hour later.

"Yeah, it's pouring outside. I ran back as fast as I could."

Only then you notice the water streaming down the windows, and the sound of the rain as it splashes on the trees in the garden.

He has his hand on the doorknob as you can hear it creaks slightly. "Honey? Can I get my towel? I'm soaking wet." He doesn't wait for your answer and slowly opens a little crack, which you immediately sees and slams the door shut.

"Sorry!" You wince at your own action. "Did I hurt you?"

You hold your breath, press your body against the door and wait for an answer, which comes with a question: "No, no. Don't worry, darling. Are you alright?"

"Ah, yeah...yeah. I'm just in the middle of something." You eye the two sticks again - one is starting to show hints of some faint blue lines on the two separate screens; the other one is still displaying the digital countdown, which tells that you still have one more square to wait. You cross your fingers and pray to whoever listens. You're really not ready for this yet, and neither is Tom, with his increasingly busy schedule.

All you can hear is the pounding of your heart, and the soft noises Tom's making as he's moving his feet in the puddle he is creating. You consider opening the door just a bit to give him his towel, but you're sure he'll be able to see the mess on the counter if you do that. You don't dare to move them either just in case it'd affect the results. You stare at the sticks, willing them to work faster.

The digital one finally decides to show you the result:


You narrow your eyes at it, trying to see if the "Not" is taking longer to appear. But the other test is showing you a cross, which confirms the same thing.

You begin to tear up. You are scared. What are you going to do? You never look away from the test results...maybe if you stare at it long enough, the "Not" will start to show.

Worried about you, Tom has entered the bathroom after your silence when he knocked again.

He gasps.

"Oh, baby..."

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