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There are so many things wrong with Daniel Larusso, he's convinced himself it's true. It's almost as if every decision he's ever made has led him to this very moment. His ankle burning like hot glass, so much so it feels almost as if it's not his anymore. He can't feel it, but he can feel everything these, the eyes and the shitty a/c in the dojo, Johnny Lawrence carrying his own weight like it's the easiest thing in the world with his shoulders pushed back and blood trickling down his nose and over his lips. Hes grunting through the pain, fists clenched ahead of him, what a man he is, Daniel keeps thinking. What a man.

And then daniels good foot is crashing it's way into johnnys face, creating a crunch so loud he's sure everyone back in reseda heard it too. An audible wince and harmonization of the ooo sound you make when someone falls too hard fills the room. Johnny tumbles, and blood falls from his face in even harsher rivers then before. He lifts his head, hand grasping his nose and eyes wide, he peers at Daniel but it's not the same.

Something's is off about it, so off he can't look away and they just stare at eachother. People are cheering now, hands are on daniels shoulders and arms, his ankle still sits above the mat and here's Johnny Lawrence, the same Johnny Lawrence that scrutinized him and made him feel so much smaller then he was, the same Johnny Lawrence that spit in his face and called himself king of his white boy clique with enough of his dads money to buy the entire state of Jersey, that same Johnny Lawrence is looking up at him like for once he'd done something right.

He says, under his breath and slightly gurgled by the blood "you're alright," it comes out breathy, hushed and forced out in a quiet whisper "you're alright." And it's the last thing Johnny Lawrence says to him.


First Christmas in the valley proves to be probably the worst one he's ever endured. It was empty, too much shit is empty these days.
Daniel goes back to school and again finds himself with Ali on one side and Susan on the other. It's hot, too hot for January, and he's healed all the way over but like a frozen lake everything still sits below the surface.

Everything is fine to them, everything is always fine in the valley. It's fine because it's warm and the fighting has ending and it's all good but it's weird too him, it's too weird.

Crossing down the courtyard he catches johnnys eyes over the grass between the two paths theyre taking, johnnys surrounded by his boys again as he always is. He looks big still as he always did, red polo tight over his shoulders and arms, making him look strong and wide, what a man that guy is. He's looking at Daniel but there isn't any spite anymore, he doesn't make any move to chase after him, doesn't do anything at all.

He just peers over at the brunette, with his hands in the pockets of his tight jeans, noise from the rest of cobra Kai rings around him, and then he turns back around and disappears behind the building. It's weird, it's fucking weird.

He brings it up at lunch, chewing on soggy fries and listening to the senior girl gossip as if it means anything to him. She did this, she's with him, whatever whatever. It's better then nothing, good entertainment, but he doesn't know these girls and for some reason he cares less and less with every passing whisper.

"You guys think something's going on with Johnny?" He asks, and Ali laughs out loud. She smiles at him, one of those strange smiles as if she isn't quite sure what he's talking about, but it still warms him a little anyways

"Johnny? The guy always has something going on," Susan says, shrugging her padded shoulders and throwing a brown curl behind her ear "daddy must've taken his audi again. God forbid."

"I figured maybe he finally finished being a bitch but now he's just weird."

Ali tilts her head, her blonde hair bouncing with the movement. "He's always sort of weird, Dan. I don't think it's out of the ordinary."

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