Empty Fireplace

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           Suman sat behind the bar of his inn.  He could clearly hear the crickets singing their lullaby outside. He smiled ruefully to himself.  The song must be working; judging by the empty common room of his inn.  Most of his patrons had called it an early night tonight.  He could not understand why really.  It was a wonderful warm night.  The breeze brought with it the scents of nature that were almost more intoxicating than his drink.  It was a shame that he was forced to be here tonight.  He would have loved to be walking through the forest this night.  The full moon and slight breeze made for a very relaxing atmosphere.  The animals that played at night would not have minded his presence he was sure of it, but much to his dismay, there was nothing he could do about it.  It was late, but not all that late.  It was too early for him to close up shop. 

He sighed to himself and moved to the other side of the bar and sat down.  It was not that he was uncomfortable; it was just that his fire place was empty, and he did not like the sight of it.  It was too warm to need a fire, and it always depressed him to see the fireplace without a fire in it. 

Suman glanced back at it with the thought of starting a small fire, at least then he would not be alone, but his thought was interrupted by the door of the inn opening.  Suman turned to see an armed man standing in the doorway with a serious look on his face.  His armor was very polished and he wore a long sword which his hand rested on with practiced ease.  Suman was not afraid of the newcomer however.  He immediately knew the face of the town’s constable Gunther.  While he was not afraid of the man, all in Stave knew him to be honorable and just, it was rare for him to frequent his establishment.  The last time he came by he left a lost soul with Suman, who was at this moment sleeping upstairs; another victim of the cricket’s lullaby.

“Greetings Constable.” Suman said warmly. “How does this night find you.”

“Awake and restless I’m afraid.” he responded glumly.

“Is the criminal element not active tonight?” Suman asked.

“No one is active tonight old friend.” Gunther replied.

“That seems to be the norm tonight.” Suman replied, “You are the first person I’ve seen in hours.”

“Mind if I join you?” Gunther asked.

Now Suman was really shocked.  In all the years the two men had known one another he had never asked to ‘join’ Suman in anything. 

“Of course,” Suman said motioning to an empty seat next to his at the bar, “can I get you a drink?”

“I have heard wonderful things about the tea you brew.” Gunther said easing his well built frame onto a stool beside Suman’s.  It creaked under the weight of the armor he wore and the sword he carried, but the sturdy wood held firm.

“Excellent, we’ll share some tea then.”  Suman went to the kitchen, and his mind strayed to the last person he had tea with.  Now as always he hoped that young man found what he was looking for.  He pushed the thought of that troubled traveler out of his head.  That was some time ago and in the past; though Suman did owe him change.

As Suman busied himself in the kitchen he wondered what brought the Constable to him tonight.  Even of the Stave was quiet it was almost a sure thing that he had better places to go than here.  Not that Suman ran a seedy establishment, quite the contrary; it was just that Gunther rarely visited Suman unless he had a need.  Even though Gunther referred to him as an ‘old friend’ it was hardly a fitting description; at least to Suman.  Their relationship was odd to say the very least.  Not adversarial, but not necessarily close either.  Suman wondered why he came.   It could be that he was simply awake and restless; it was a quiet night after all.  Maybe the Constable truly had nothing else to do.

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