Gest tho

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I smiled to myself when I saw the freckled face beauty approaching me from across the courtyard. What? Colby is attractive. I'm straight, not blind.
Well, I say I'm straight, but lately I've been finding that hard to believe.
"Hey dude" he said when he reached me. "Yo" I replied. "You look good" I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. "No homo though" he quickly added. Yes. Right. No homo. Boobs. I'm attracted to them. I told myself these things, but I knew I wasn't too sure. "Don't forget you're coming over today" he said I nodded annoyed, it was too early for my hormones to be this active. "See you later bro" he said turning at his class. I sighed. I didn't want him to leave.
I couldn't focus in class. Everytime I tried to pay attention, I just thought about him. His perfect hair. His cute freckles. His infectious laugh.
This wasn't right.
I wasn't supposed to think of boys this way. Especially my best friend.
My astoundingly homosexual thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing.
I saw him lingering by the classroom door. He wouldn't admit it but he was waiting for me. He was cute. 'Damn it Grant, why can't you think straight?' I thought to myself. (Pun intended)
"Aye" I said, doing our cute- I mean..."manly", handshake.
"Do you want to skip lunch?" He asked. "Who's coming?" I asked, stuffing a binder in my locker. "Just us, bro time."
He said. My heart sped up at the thought of us spending time together...alone. "Sure." I said. We walked out of the seventh grade building, and turned towards the basketball court. Colby and I's jaws dropped. There was no way we could've prepared for the sight we were met with.West had Gavin pressed up against the back of the gym. They were holding hands and happily, for lack of a better term, eating each other's faces. "On second thought" Colby finally spoke after a minute or two. "How about we go to lunch today" I quickly nodded. We turned and rushed to the cafeteria.

-----that afternoon----
I ran a nervous hand through my curly hair. I wanted to try straigtening it, but apparently that was "gay" "Hey" Colby muttered as I plopped down next to him. I groaned at the two Paxon girls in front of me who were gabbing about some boy. They annoyed me.
Any of my other friends would call them hot, with their defined curves, long hair, cheap makeup, and sickeningly sweet perfume. I wasn't into that. Colby was a stick, even thinner than me. His freckles may have been his best feature, if it wasn't for that stupid pretty head of red hair. Well, I like to think of it as more of a mused aburn. But let's not forget his adorable giggle. And those soft lips that I so desperately wanted on mine.
"Grant!" Colby shoved me nearly off of the seat. "You okay bro? You've kind of been in a daze lately" My heart swelled at the concern in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I just uh...what were we talking about?" I stumbled over my words and cursed my straight as the letter 'c' thoughts.
"I said it's crazy with that whole West and Gavin thing" "Oh" I said simply.
"What do you thing about it?"
I busied myself with somethings in my bookbag to avoid his gaze. Honestly, I was jealous of them.
At least they had some of their shit figured out.
I wish I could let go like that. I want Colby to push me up against walls and make out with me. But... I was straight right? Did I have to be gay to go down on my best friend? I don't even know.
"It's weird." I said finally.
"Yeah" he said half heartedly.
The rest of the ride was filled with awkward silence.
Aight so I put up the first chapter for yall. For the record I'm not actually trying to create a good piece of literature. I didn't even edit this.
It's a joke ok

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