Kagehina - cold

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Hello everyone and welcome to my haikyuu sickfics! I do accept requests if anyone has any and I do do some rare ships like Kogane x Goshiki or Narita x Kinnoshita and some more! And I'm really excited about this book and hope you all enjoy.

Hinata's pov

I knew it. I knew I was sick and yet I still went to school. Last night I felt a bit weird so I went to bed early and when I woke up this morning I felt even worse but I went to school because my grades are already iffy but I really wanted to play volleyball with Kageyama and to be honest I thought I could do it but I was so wrong.

It was currently afternoon volleyball practice on a Friday and from the morning my condition just kept getting worse and worse, first period was fine but by the time we got to to lunch my brain felt like it was pounding against my skull, my nose was so itchy, my throat was scratchy and I couldn't tell if I was hot or cold.

I could hear the squeaking of shoes, I could see Kinnoshita, Narita and Ennoshita sitting on a bench discussing some thing? Kiyoko and Yachi were standing in a corner looking at some papers probably talking about some game plans or something. Kageyama was sitting on a bench sipping his water, normally we would sit together but he was avoiding me today so I was sitting by myself against a wall of the gym floor because I felt like I couldn't sit up by myself. I could feeling my eyes slowly starting to close.

A few minutes later I could hear some yelling that made my eyes jolt open I saw Yamagucci hiding behind Tsukkishima grabbing his arm, Tsukkishima having a stern look on his face whilst holding Yam's hand. And him glaring at at Noya who was standing intront of a nervous Asahi, Asahi trying to calm Noya down and Tanaka doing some funky arm thing, and finally Dadchi yelling at both of them which only increased my headache.

After hearing them argue for a while I started to slowly stand up having to use the wall to stabilize me when Sugamama came over to me and propped me up by holding onto my elbow. "Hinata why would you come to practice if your clearly not feeling well." I looked at him with wide eyes, "Oh come on I'm not called the mom of the team for nothing, you really think I wouldn't notice." He gave me a sympathetic smile before placing his hand on my head after he sighed, "Jeez Hinata, you seem like you have a high fever, come on." he grabbed my hand and led me out of the gym whilst everyone was distracted.

"Where are we going?" I was was being led down a hallway by Sugamama. "Well that fever your sporting isn't going to go anywhere and I'm worried if I let it get to high you might faint, I would tell you to go home but I know you won't rest and just continue to play volleyball. So I might as well keep you here where I can keep an eye on you. " As much I was listening to Suga my headache was making itself more present by the second and I think he noticed when my other hand went to my forehead. He stopped grabbing my hand by the wrist and slowed down so he was walking next to me with his arm around my shoulders stabilizing me.

Once we got to the bathroom I climbed onto the counter and banged my knee on the faucet, ow that's going to leave a bruise there tomorrow. Whilst I was doing that Suga was in one of the stalls grabbing some paper. A couple of seconds later he came back out with a few neatly folded pieces of toilet paper and ran it under the tap for a few seconds, then he placed it on my head and I just leaned into the touch because it felt so refreshing.

After a few seconds my eyes were drooping closed again and without knowing it my head fell onto Suga's shoulder. "Woah be careful there." His voice was soothing and gentle like he knew exactly what my headache would need so it wouldn't punish me even more. "You never told what your symptoms where?" I sated to mumble into his shoulder because I was too comfortable. "My head feels like it's pounding against my skull begging to be let out, my throat feels scratchy no matter how much I drink, my nose has had this constant itch that just won't go away, I feel extremally clogged up and I can't tell if I feel hot or cold." Suga let out a small hum of concern, "I'm so surprised you even managed to drag yourself out of bed this morning, never mind stay all day for after school practice." he lifted his hand and gently started stroking his hand through my hair.

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